Then he started to think what it would be like if Eva was able to shift like the other wolves, he knew it was a far fetched idea but what if she could. They could both go hunting together while also going for a nice run through the woods like the other mates in their pack did. " I bet mate would make a lovely wolf," his wolf said to him. "Of course she would," he replied. He could only picture her as being a bit smaller than him and sleek, with a beautiful soft chocolate coat that sparkled in the sun to match her radiant brown eyes. It was just his imagination taking over his mind as he started to drift off into a light slumber until he picked up a scent on the breeze. It was from a deer, he stood slowly, his mouth watering at his impending meal.

He followed the scent until it led him to a big stag in some bushes, it would make a perfect breakfeast for him. This time he just let his wolf's instincts take over, he crouched down low until the deer's head went back down then he jumped claws and teeth barred catching the animal off guard, landing on him and snapping his neck with his strong jaws. Even though this was a big stag that would be enough to fill him up, he remembered that his trackers were also out here in the woods as well. He thought it would be good to share the kill with them also.

" I have made a fresh kill if y'all are hungry", he mind linked his head tracker.

" We'll be right over Alpha," he replied.

Within a couple of minutes all five wolves were filling up on the carcass, it had been a while since they had a fresh kill so there was a bit of fighting going on about who would get the most meat but in the end they backed off and let their Alpha get the most.

After they were finished eating Tom decided that he would go back to the town to check on Eva during her lunch break, since he didn't have his clothes he would stay in his wolf and watch her from the forest.

He walked back to the edge of town where one of the diners were, there were a few people outside eating at the picnic tables. He kept scanning the crowd until he saw Eva come out with a tray full of food and take a seat by herself at a lonely table. He could see that she was desperately hungry by the way she tore into the food and enjoyed it, all was going fine until Tom noticed a guy come up and sit across the table from her. Even though they were mated and she was carrying his pup, he still didn't like a strange male that close to Eva while he wasn't around to protect her.

The guy started making small talk with her and he could see that she was laughing at some parts and that eased his mind a bit until she finished her food and got up to leave, the guy started following close behind her and that set his wolf in a rage, " I don't like him being close to mate", his wolf growled and he agreed. After a minute the guy left and walked off down the street while Eva went back to the mini mart she'd been working at. Who was that guy and why did he keep following her afterward, Tom would find out tonight when he met Eva in the woods.

Eva's POV

It was now 7 o'clock and the end of Eva's shift, she had already told the store owner that today was going to be her last day, so she got her final check and left. While she was driving back to the house, she remembered the guy she spoke with during her lunch break, he asked her some questions about where she was from and how long she was staying in town. She knew it was a bad choice by slipping up and telling him that today was her final day here, there was no way of telling what someone like that was up to. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind as she pulled up in front of the house, Mrs. Maddison was sitting on the porch with her cat in her lap, she greeted Eva as she came in and told her that she had saved a dinner plate for her in the microwave.

After Eva changed into some comfortable clothes, she came back down and had her last dinner. She was lucky that she hadn't been getting morning sickness like some mothers get, she knew it was because she was carrying an Alpha's pup and they need all the nutrition they can get so their healthy when born. She rubbed her belly, marveling at the fact that she was carrying the next generation in a long bloodline of Alpha's.

After finishing her food, she met with the Maddison's in the Living room and told them that she was going to be leaving that night to go back home and how thankful she was that they took her in when she didn't have a place to stay. After they said their final goodbyes, she went back upstairs to start packing her stuff, since most things she left back at the pack house there wasn't much to take. Mrs. Maddison then came in the door holding something. It was a blue knitted blanket wrapped with ribbon.

" I was saving it for when the baby was born but since your leaving , I'll give it to you now," she said with a slight tear.

" Oh thank you Mrs.Maddison ,you've been like a mother to me these past months I don't know how to repay you for your good deed," Eva said embracing her in a tight hug.

" No need to repay me Eva, I just wish you and your little one well and if your ever in town and need a place to stay, our door is always open." she said before leaving Eva to finish her packing.

Eva ran her hand over the soft blue cotton fabric of the blanket and noticed of how the blue reminded her of the blue in her loving mates eyes then remembered the blue eyes of the wolf in her dream a while back. Could that dream have been a sign that she was going to be carrying Tom's pup, the more she thought about it, the more she knew it was right. There was no denying that the large grey wolf in her dream that saved Tom was their future son or daughter and Eva knew now that's what the dream meant.

An hour later and Eva was done with all her packing along with some baby gifts that were given to her by some friends she made while staying in the town. Mr. Maddison helped her carry everything out to her car to pack in the trunk and gave her a final goodbye. By now it was dark and the only light on the road were her headlights, she told Tom that she would meet him at the edge of the forest but decided to do it on the outskirts of town so no one would see them. She pulled off onto an abandoned side road that no one would notice in the dark, she got out the car and started to whistle for Tom hoping he would hear her.

Tom's POV

As he watched Eva drive out of town he started making his way down to the road the meet her. He could start to hear a whistling and knew it was her when it was followed by her voice. He had one of his female trackers with him that he assigned the responsibility of driving Eva back home so she could rest during the long ride. He kept running fast , eager to see her after a long day of separation. When he reached the road he paused to check for any passing cars and when it was clear he ran over to where he could smell Eva's scent until he came up on her car and let out an excited bark as she turned to face him.

" Tom!", she exclaimed as he was rubbing up on her licking her face and wagging his tail excitedly. Then he remembered he had to be gentle with her for the sake of the pup in her belly. He then calmed down and pressed his nose lightly to her tummy.

" The baby's ok Tom, you didn't hurt him or her," she said rubbing his head. He wagged his tail happy again, the last thing he would ever want to do is cause harm to his pup.

Just then his female tracker came up from the woods naked but not embarrassed.

" I am Lisa, one of Alpha's trackers. I have been assigned to drive you back to the pack house so you can get some sleep and while Alpha and the others travel ahead and check for any threats," his tracker said facing Eva. Eva understood and gave her some clothes to wear from her suitcase then went back over to Tom.

She kissed him on his muzzle and hugged him tight as she looked up at him, even in the moonlight he could see his mates beautiful features. His wolf was content now that his mate was coming home with them. She then looked up at him as she said, "Let's go Home".

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