3.) The question

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I woke up to my mom putting a wet wash cloth to my bruised cheek and split lip, "I'm so sorry sweetie you shouldn't have to put up with this stuff" my mom wept. I slowly sat up trying hard not to hurt myself further "mom it's not your fault and I'd rather it be me then you, but its late you should sleep we don't want to make him even angrier." I say softly as i hug my mom tight.

Hearing my alarm clock buzzing and beeping loudly made me jolt awake. Looking at the time I groaned and got out of bed walking to my closet to pull out my long sleeve sweater and my skinny jeans. After getting dressed, blindly putting makeup on and throwing my hair in a messy bun I grabbed my bag walking out the front door. The walk to school was long and painful, I couldn't help but let my mind wonder to the new guy.

When I finally made it to school many people gave me unusual looks. I didn't think anything about it ill I got to first period where he looked at me then got instantly pissed. Rushing to my side he asked me "who the hell did this to you?" As soon as those words came out of his mouth I bolted at the door to the girl's bathroom. When I looked in the mirror I froze, I forgot to put makeup on to cover the bruises and split lip. Cursing to myself I reach into my bag to cover things up when the door opened and when it closed I heard the click of the lock.

He started walking over to me and I backed up till my back hit the wall "wh-what are y-you doing in he-here" I stutter quietly with my head down. It was silent till he slowly started walking and stopped right in front of me. He went to lift my face but as soon as I felt his hand I flinched away adding fuel to his anger.

"I'm not going to ask again, who did this to you?" He growled out lowly. Me being me I lied smoothly. "I was messing around with my mom and tripped then she accidentally hit my eye." I quickly slipped past him and made it out the door before he could say anything else.

The rest of the day went by quickly and I was waiting for my mom to pick me up like she promised. The ride home was quiet till she spoke up "sweetie I wasn't going to tell you this but I'm leaving for a business trip for a few days." My grin went away realizing I'd be left alone with my dad.


I know its not the best but I am trying to figure out exactly where I want to go with this book I hope to finish it before summer beings. 

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