Billy the Puppet, Saw

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It was used by John Kramer (a.k.a. Jigsaw) to communicate with his test subjects by delivering recorded messages, often appearing on a television screen or occasionally in person to describe the details of the sadistic traps and the means by which the test subjects could survive.

Appears to be a male ventriloquist's dummy, as its jaw is movable to give the suggestion that it is talking; however, it is not used in the same manner, as the entire doll is frequently seen moving on its own. Its face is white, with a protruding brow and cheeks that have red spirals painted on them. His red lips form a grin. His eyes are black with red irises, and his head is topped with black, messy hair.

Billy is always depicted wearing a black tuxedo, with a white shirt and gloves, red bow tie, and red handkerchief in the breast pocket. He also has red Mary Janes for shoes. In the short film, he is seen wearing a green bowler hat. He is often riding an old-fashioned red tricycle. The only sound originating directly from him is a generic electronic cackle much like one would find in a Halloween-type toy.

Billy is seen on a television set by Amanda Young, telling her about the reverse bear trap that was hooked into her jaws, and explaining that the key to remove it is in the stomach of her "dead cellmate" (who is actually a heavily sedated man) lying in the room. After she disembowels the man and frees herself, Billy comes into the room on his tricycle to congratulate her.

Later, Adam remembers seeing the puppet in his apartment when the lights went out. As he was searching through the dark rooms using his camera flash, the puppet's eerie laugh rang through the apartment, and Adam hit it with a bat until it stopped.

When Detectives David Tapp and Steven Sing uncover Jigsaw's latest hideout, they snoop around the area and pull the blankets off several covered items, one of which proves to be Billy.

Billy is seen on the screen at the beginning, giving Michael hints about the death mask he is wearing. It plays out similarly to Amanda's test, except Michael dies.

Later, when the detectives discover Jigsaw's new hideout, several officers walk up a caged staircase and are greeted by Billy, who wheels into sight at the top of the stairs on his tricycle and laughs. The cage then becomes electrified after one officer steps on a rigged stair that breaks his legs.

He gives Brad and Ryan instructions to their trap in person, does the same for Bobby Dagen's second test, and appears on tape for the others. When Hoffman goes to his hideout after he escapes the Reverse Beartrap, multiple Billy heads can be seen. His final appearance is in Hoffman's secret hideout at the end of the film; Hoffman blows it up, destroying Billy in the explosion. Billy's voice is changed, as if Jigsaw is using a voice changer, implying that it was Hoffman who recorded the tapes.

Now the puppet is alive by a voodoo cursed by Chucky.

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