As we descended down the flight of many stairs, heading to that place, she began bragging again about how much of a nuisance I was, how I should be nicer to her, how I should show her a little more respect and all that boring shit, but I just ignored her and went deep into my own thoughts.

Most of the time, I thought of a song, one that I could play in my head on repeat. It always worked, until the pain got too much for me to bear. But I always fought through the pain, no matter how hard it was, and I never screamed once. I may have done as a child, but I have grown up now, I'm much stronger now than I was back then.

She could shoot me down, but I wouldn't fall that easily. I refused to fall that easily. I used to be copper, but now I'm better. I am now Titanium. I have a stone heart, so hard that even a machine gun couldn't dent it. Nothing could break me. Not again. Never ever happening again.

Once we were nearing the bottom of the stairs and close to the basement, it was then that I started to struggle out of her strong grip. I knew what was coming when we came here. I tried fighting back, I tried to hard to. And here's the reason why:

If there was anything I hated about this house, it was the basement. Well, it was more like a room dedicated to torture really. Lined with instruments especially made for torture, it was the most hated room in the entire house. Although, I think this could be worse than what the Mafialla Pack has as a torture room, and I have heard the rumors of what that place is like.

Apparently, their Alpha is ruthless. He kills without a single thought. Some say his mate- the Luna- died when he was a Rogue, and he became Alpha. I don't know how, and I don't know why, he just did. He has no heirs, so his Beta's son will take over as soon as he is of age and has found his mate.

To be honest, I used to wonder what would happen if my mate never found me, if he rejected me, or if he died before I ever got to meet him. Not that he wouldn't reject me. I was destined for it to take place. Even I knew that. I would ponder if I would be doomed to stay here or find someone else. I can't bear the thought of that, but I guess now- after all the torture I've been put through- that I won't find him or her. Or that they'll fail at finding me. And yes, you can actually have gay mates. Cool, right?

I know a few people who are gay, and I've seen some gay mates in real life. The bitch is against people like that, people of the LGBTQ+ Community. I find nothing wrong with it, but here she is acting like Donald Trump with the way he puts half of his views across. I think that if she wanted power, she could have just married him since they have similar views. That would have been funnier than Sheilob. Imagine a bitch instead!

I was chucking at the evil thoughts I had, but then, I was knocked, almost quite literally, out of my thoughts. The bitch slapped me across the face, grabbing my attention almost immediately. Of course, something as sudden as that would shock anyone.

I looked at her, wearing a look on my face that resembled something along the lines of shock and fear. She looked back at me, a menacing, evil smile upon her fat, red, makeup induced lips. Her eyeliner and mascara looked horrifying paired with everything she was wearing at the time (clothing and makeup), she looked like some sort of beastly nightmare.

She had the appearance and smell of a ghoul, a deadly undead creature that smelled worse than zombies. It had a mangled, scarred face covered with rotting flesh, blood and green saliva, and smelled of rotting, burnt flesh with a hint of decomposing eggs.

And that look there was my cue. My cue to grab my stuff and run to school.

I headbutted her straight in the middle of her eyes, so fast she didn't see it coming, grabbed my already packed school bag, grabbed some money (well, more like I stole the bitch's full purse), and ran straight out the back door located by the kitchen and utility room.

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