when i needed my father- 13.

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when i needed my father,

forgive my language, but fuck you. fuck your bullshit promises. fuck your lies.

apologies are for the naive- i know whats going on. clearly you've mistaken me for the other one.

i'm much too smart to be your daughter. tears are no longer tears.

the emotional aspect tied to them has completely dissolved. they may fall from time to time but it's just water.

i've stopped telling myself things will change.

i believe in myself more than i believe in you.

that bottle never leaves your right hand eh?

shit's so tightly gripped it might as well be glued.

and the vocabulary that spews from your mouth, brilliance right there....that's high IQ at it's best.

i'm so glad i have inherited my mother's thirst for knowledge. it would make you proud.

well actually, who knows.

i'm not sure if anything i've ever done has been an accomplishment in your eyes.....

and i've come so far.


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