Kissing Prompt #15: Kiss on the back

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Kissing Prompt #15: Kiss on the Back
Summary: She wondered how she had become lucky enough to meet him, let alone fall in love with him.
Pairing: Ladynoir
Word count: 341
A/N: After all the horrible things happening today, I decided that I needed some fluff. Stay safe, everyone! <3

Marinette pressed her fingertips lightly against his back, tracing the outline of The Scar; the one he'd gotten years ago, protecting her from a particularly vicious Akuma. She'd been so, so scared she was going to lose him...

"Mari?" His voice was rough from sleep, and she realized she must have woken him up accidentally. Instead of saying anything though, she only pressed her lips over it. Her eyes burned, and he flipped over. His hand rested lightly on her bare waist, the other slipping underneath his head as a brace. His green eyes were concerned, and she pressed her forehead against his collarbone.

"I'm okay," she whispered. "I was just remembering." There was no more explanation needed, and Adrien, her husband of six months, pulled her flush against him, tangling his legs between hers.

"I'd do it a million times over," he repeated. "Come Hell or high waters, I won't let you die, and I won't letmyself die either."

She laughed softly. "Isn't that cocky?"

He pulled away, his lips lifted into that smirk, the one that never failed to send her heart into a flutter. However, his response was completely serious—a mix of Adrien and Chat Noir, as so many parts of his personality were. "It's a fact, just as much as the grass is green, the sky is blue, and how I'm completely, utterly in love with you."

"While nobody can dispute the last one, the first two are fair game." She bopped him on the nose, and then she yelped when he rolled over her, pinning her against the bed. He kissed her on the lips then, long and sensually, the smile not quite leaving his mouth. She wondered yet again how even her luck had allowed her to meet him, let alone fall in love with him, especially when she had been so stubborn about it as a teenager.

"I love you." He declared, again. Three simple words that held the secret of the universe in them.

"I love you too, silly kitty."

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