Kissing Prompt #9: War's end kiss

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sayaka-hime asked:

Can you do #9 War's End Kiss for Ladynoir/Adrienette?

Kissing Prompt #9: War's End Kiss
Pairing: Ladynoir/Adrienette
Summary: It's finally over, and they're still alive.
Word Count: 456
A/N: I have to admit, I had a hard time with this one for some reason.

Adrien didn't notice when his transformation wore off, probably because his legs had buckled under his weight and he'd crashed to the ground. Marinette's plain jeans appeared in his vision, and she dropped to her knees in front of him. Her blue eyes were so big and beautiful, but she looked just as exhausted as he felt.

"M-Mari?" he coughed. The wind picked up for a moment, blowing the leftover ash and dust around, before it settled down again. He moved forward. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"

She shook her head. "I'm not hurt. I'm fine. Are you okay?"

He smiled, the relief pulsing through him. Everything would be okay now; so long that she wasn't hurt, that was all that mattered. His injuries seemed small in comparison to the majority anyway; some people even lost their lives, and others an arm or a leg or an eye thanks to Hawkmoth. "Just a few scratches here and there; I'll be fine."

And then she was moving closer to him, and his heart fluttered in his chest.Right. That kiss. They'd said they were going to wait until after the war had finished... and now that it was...

Her lips pressed against his softly, gently, then —their first kiss— and then she pulled away quickly. A peck on the lips, more than anything else.

He took her cheeks in his hands and looked into her eyes. Still soft and open and trusting; a hint of a smile on her lips despite everything that had happened to them. His eyes stung and he lowered his face until their lips were practically brushing against each other and their foreheads were pressed together.

"I'm so... happy you're alive." She whispered, and he laughed. Happy was an understatement; he was so relieved, and he'd been so scared that he was going to lose her in the fighting—

Her head tilted to the side, her eyes sliding shut and her hands resting on his shoulders. She kissed him then, and his eyes fluttered shut.

At first, it was soft and sweet—just Adrien and Marinette, her fingers on his shoulders and his on her cheeks. And then her hand rose and tangled in his hair, her mouth suddenly moving against his with an increased urgency. He pulled her closer to him, his hands dropping from her cheeks to her shoulders, to her waist. He could taste the blood and tears on her mouth, and he felt the tears cling to his eyelashes.

She pulled away then, pressing their foreheads together. Their breathing mingled together, rising and falling in sync.

"So, does this mean you two are going to be all icky and gross now?"


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