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It was all a distant memory for him, but for her, it was a special event that happened years ago.

"...Are you okay?" A girl asked a focused boy. He didn't reply, and was instead focused on his school desk.

The girl frowned. So much for impressions. "...Um.. I think you should go talk to the homeroom teacher now. I don't think he'll be happy if you're.. Ah.. Not on time."

The boy still didn't move.

The girl's grip on her bag tightened and she hurriedly left the classroom, leaving the boy alone.

Later, on the news, showed a mysterious being with the appearance of a piggy bank with arms and legs. The girl didn't know why, but her concern for the boy she talked to a while ago grew.

The girl's name was (F/N), and after that event, she discovered undescribable feelings for a boy named Saitama.

What's more: it seems like they both live in the same apartment. How convenient.

He never really noticed her, though. Usually, (F/N) would be behind Saitama when they were walking home, but he didn't even look back at her.

This continued on for years until they graduated. Saitama was unemployed, while (F/N) easily found a job as a barista at a local coffee shop.

One day, she went to the apartment to see a bald Saitama running up the stairs.

Needless to say, she was very shocked.

From that day on, she unintentionally witnesses his acts of heroism when they happen. She knew he wouldn't be well-known until he registers with the Hero Association, but she continues to support him in any way she can: from talking about him to her co-workers to sending fan letters (which were thrown away since they looked pretty suspicious, poor girl).

Now that he's a B class hero, and has a lot of S-class friends (or at least that's what she thinks they are), including a cyborg disciple, Saitama was not-so-well-known-but-well-known and (F/N) was happy with this (even if his 'fame' is for a bad reason).

Seeing Saitama rank up so quickly made her think. He won't notice her if she continues her life as a 'Senior Coffee Shop Barista'.

It's time for her to act.


"Hello. I'd like to take the Super Hero Entrance Exam."


my birthday is on monday so here have another birthday gift from me, to me.

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