riki's complicated life.

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its been 3 months since kamon has been in jail and i kinda miss him, but i am still pissed off at him for what he did to me, and i had triplets, 2 girls and 1 boy, and i named them rika, rikia, and i did not name the boy because i do not want the boy so i left him with my aunt that works with children services, and i kept the 2 girls that have my hair, eyes and my adorable face.

i sat in my bedroom and took a nap while my 2 daughters slept until aona woke me up.

let me sleep you stupid woman! i yelled.

you better get your other baby right now. aona said angrily.

you know i do not know how to take care of 3 babies, but i can handle 2 babies. i said.

then when are you gonna bail my brother out of jail? your the only one that can bail him out. aona said sadly.

only if you take kamon and the baby boy to crestland with you. i said sternly.

fine i will take kamon and the baby boy to crestland with me when i go back in two days. aona said.

he can NOT stay here unless a cop watches him at all times. i said.

okay okay, can we go get my brother now? aona asked.

i want to sleep first. i said.

fine take a nap, but when you wake up were going to get my brother out of jail. aona said.

fine just shut your mouth already so i can sleep. i said.

i slept for 5 hours.

when i woke up i took care of my 2 baby girls, took them to my teacher ms. yamashiro, then went to get kamon out of jail so he can go back to crestland.

i am here to get kamon out of jail so his sister will shut up. i said and the officer walked me to the sell kamon is in and let kamon out of jail.

i want out, please get me out to. a frightened voice said.

i looked in the cell kamon was in and saw a young frightened blonde haired boy sitting in the corner shaking from fright.

why is he so afraid? i asked.

he clams that someone framed him for an attempted murder but nobody believes him. the officer said.

i can read memories and he is telling the truth, and i have enough money with me to bail 5 people out of jail, and i am getting him out to. i said.

okay armin arlert you are free to go. the officer said.

hey riki do you mind bailing a friend out of jail? a familiar voice asked.

novu is that you? i asked.

yes riki its me novu. novu said.

i want novu out to. i said, and the officer let him out to.

do not forget derek my tiger goon. novu said.

yeah i want derek out to. i said.

thanks riki. derek said.

as we were walking down the hall towards the front i saw a 5 year old little boy that looks very very frightened.

why is a 5 year old here? i asked.

its only until we find his parents. the officer said.

my parents wont come because i saw three people kill my dad and take my mommy away. the little boy said then started crying.

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