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(June 2013)

You are bathed in anger

I reach out to soothe you and find you shaken

Your core is a tidal wave of discontent

And I live there with you

We bask in the sun of our misfortunes

So removed from our happiness we are shrouded in fear

Blame points blame

And suddenly my name is vial on your tongue

Acid hits and you spit it out

Hitting my gut and dripping thru my soul

I am forever guilty

In your eyes I am the enemy that you cannot help loving

The one you hate and need

An addiction of years filled with comfortable silence

You let me go but keep me close

Trapped by strings we've glued to our backs, our arms

Puppets in a life spent searching

An end with no end in sight

We are stumbling thru blades of razors cutting until we can no longer feel the pain

When I leave I will not be gone

Strings will forever hold me to you

Our discontent a bridge

To a past

We cannot forget

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