Chapter 2

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It was a day full of work and different encounter for Katherine. Finally the shift for that day ended. Katherine is a typical American girl but she is living in Paris because it was her ultimate dream, to be in the city of love. She had no parents and she's living alone in her unit in Paris. Before she went home she went to the market to buy some supplies. There she saw dozens of magazines featuring the One Direction boys, Different articles explaining why the boys are in Paris. She know them, she know their songs but she didn't dwell on them just like the other girls out there. She got intrigued and grab a copy of the magazine.

When she reached her unit.


"Cloe.." she got surprised. "You didn't tell me that you are coming, I should have just fetch you in the airport." She hugged her sister. "What's with the sudden suirprise."

"You know.. One Direction is here.. so I'm going to attend their concert." She said happily.

Kath sighed. "You really like them don't you.."

"Of course! They are so charming and handsome.." she said as she ushered her sister to sit on the coach."Here look.." she brought out an envelope.

"What's that?" asked Katherine.

"This are concert tickets."

"Oh so you are going to attend their concert." She said as she nods.

"Yes.. and you are going with me!" she said as she stood up in excitement.

"What?!" she exclaimed. " Cloe, you know I don't like being in concerts.." she frowned.

"Kath.. come on, have some fun.. you always work."

"Yeah I work.." Kath stood up. "I work because I want you to have a good education. I work because I'm sending you to school.." she said and went to the kitchen to unload the groceries that she bought.

Cloe followed her. "I know Kath.. and I'm really greatfull for that.. but please go with me this time I really want you to be with me."

Kath hold Cloe's hands. "I know that you want me to go with you, but I will look in my schedule.."

Cloe sighed and went back to the couch, she saw Kath's bag. She opened it and look for her sister's planner. When she saw the planner she opened it and something fell from it. She picked it up and let out a small scream.

Kath heard it and she went to see her sister. She slightly laughed when she saw her sister.

Cloe is looking at the card. "Kath! You said you don't like One Direction! But you have this?? Do you now what this is?!" she's shouting.

"Cloe.. can you please calm down? It was just a card with an autograph." She said clamly.

"Dang Kath! This is not an ordinary card! This is limited edition and they only release 10 pieces of this precious card.. Now tell me why do you have this??" She got excited.

"Well, earlier this morning One Direction dropped by to our shop and they ordered coffee and then I served the coffee to their van, and that Zayn guy asked me if I will not ask for their autograph, and I said no.. then Niall gave me that.." she said like it was just a normal encounter.

"Are you freaking serious Kath! OH MY GOSH! You saw them personally and up close.. Kath.. I want to see them too.." she said hysterically.

"Cloe.. you are going to see them in their concert. The thing that happened earlier is just you know and I know it will never happen again. It was by chance."

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