Chapter 5

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My eyes gaze around the room, the silver scrolls packed the walls/ shelves.

" wow," I breathe and walk deeper in.

I sit on the couch, and a still warm coffee mug sat on the ottoman in front.

I place the fallen scroll onto the ottoman, taking the silver one that I had, into my hands and unrolling it again, reading the title, as my heart skips some beats in excitement. just the title gave me brilliant shivers.

"The dragon crest," I read the title out loud, taking a deep breath in, my eyes falling upon the first sentence, then reading it out loud to myself.

"the dragon crest, very rare, is the symbol of bravery, courage, kindness, intelligence, and power. Few humans hold the dragon crest. you cannot be born with the dragon crest, for being bron with it meant that it was permanent, and many that hold the power of the dragon crest, turn over to darkness and evil, and corrupt. You must be chosen, to hold the power of the dragon crest," I take a deep breath, then continue ,"and those who obtain the dragon crest, may save the world from poverty and war. you are chosen by your dragon, your soul companion, which you'll stand with threw everything. choose your roads wisely." and with that the scroll abruptly ended.

"Strange," I murmur.

then more words start to glow, burning onto the paper.

I gasp as my eyes skim the words that appeared.

"prophecy..." I inhale.

"One will hold the power of the moon and stars

and will be awoken as one with the land

The one that does not quite understand

the meaning of life and death

and will bring both to all of us

she  will prevail

power that she does not yet know

brave, courageous, kind, intelligent, and powerful

and stop the kingdom of the third

she will prevail

she holds the mark, that'll save

the kingdoms

she will prevail."

" What kind of prophecy is that?" I ask, slightly disappointed," It didn't even rhyme. or make any sense"

I roll up the scroll, and stuff it into my side bag, that i carried around everywhere, placing the fallen scroll inside also. I wonder who lives in here? then I notice a shadow. a still ife shadow. I stand, curiously walking up to the shadow.

it wasn't a shadow

it was actually a long and narrow corridor, completely dark.

i squint, though squinting didn't help me see through the dark. Holding my hands out, I walk into the corridor, feeling my way by sliding a hand across the cold, stone wall. I blink hard, trying to get my eyes to adjust to the dark, but it felt like I was walking with my eyes tightly shut, yet my eyes where open. I look back, only being able to see a faint warm light coming from the fireplace, yet it was so small, barely a dot, my eyes still staring behind me as i walk, i bump into another wall in front of me. luckily, i didn't face plant into the wall, since i was facing the other way, the warm light not visible when you look at it directly, but from the corner of your eye, you can see a small dot of where i came through to this corridor. i turn, facing the wall i bumped into, backing up a couple steps.

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