Day Four

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Little author's note: Okay. I know things are different in the canon AT but I wrote this way before we knew about Marcie's mom okay? Bear with me here. This is what I thought happened way before Stakes and everything.
I sighed and looked down as I told her everything that happened. Confessing everything I've done over the past two hundred years to my mother. I looked down sadly as I finished biting my lip looking at the tile of the kitchen floor. Silence loomed over us as the sounds of screams and roaring in the distance was heard over the land. She looked down and sighed gently.

"Anya's back again I see." She growled a little putting down her half-eaten sandwich. "Well now you've caught my attention." She chuckled coldly getting up. I looked up to her as I blinked wondering what was on her mind. The way she reacted to her name, how her body tensed up. The hatred seeping out of her lips as she spoke about her. This was someone from her past. Which explained how she knew about me so well and how she compared me to her.

"Mom?" I looked up at her and she had a cruel grin on her face.

"It'll be good to get that bitch again." She smirked.

"What did she do to you?" She smirked.

"Well, I can tell you, she's the reason your father is dead." Her smirk faded a little as she sat back down, her finger trailing across the bread of the sandwich. Her whole body slumped as she grazed across the grainy bread with a small sigh.

"You know. I really loved your father." She whispered scraping some of the bread onto her fingernail as licked it off sadly. Slowly, I got up and wrapped my arms around her sorrow reeking off the both of us as she shook a little from her sadness. She played it off with a chuckle as she sniffled.

"So the last thing I'm gonna do is have her hurt my son." I smile a little and nodded.

"Thanks, mom." She nodded and pet my head gently.

"It's the least I can do. I know I haven't exactly been mother of the year." I shook my head a little not really wanting to strongly answer that. real mother figure was in Aaa chasing after my ex-boyfriend. How strange is it? We're competing for the same man. Just the thought of that, brings me to tears and yet, I can't help but to laugh a little at the same time. But, the Simone I know and love is long gone. That woman going after Gumball, is not the woman that took care of me, she just took the shape of her. I'll never see the real Simone, my Simone, again. I looked at my mother and saw how broken she was. She was hurting more than she let on. I knew that for a fact. I can see it in her eyes. Hardly does she ever feel pain; she only knows how to inflict it on the people of the Nightosphere. But this, I knew she was serious. I sat next to her taking a deep breath before I was going to ask her about the hardest question she would have to answer.

"Mom, what happened to my father? What did Anya do to him?" She chuckled sadly and gripped her hair.

"How did I know you were going to ask me that?" She smiled softly and looked down pushing away the sandwich.

"Well, it was a long time ago. Just a little before you were born. He and I were in love. It was wonderful. He didn't care that I was a demon and he actually accepted me, supported me. Other than you, he was the only thing I've ever loved." I smiled softly seeing how hard it was for her. "You see, I was never supposed to be involved with your father. Humans were something to be eradicated for the new world for us. Aaa. That's why everyone is so different. That's why Fiona is the last human so far. Well, the last known human. Humans have always gotten the short end of the stick, Marshall. And your father wanted to give them a fighting chance."

"The Great Mushroom War?" She shook her head.

"No, that was the end. This was beforehand. About ten years beforehand. The history is a little complicated and I'm sure you don't want a history lesson. But this will explain why you were left alone on that dreadful place during the after math of the war."

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