Day Three

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I pretended to sleep while I felt Bubba get up from bed the horrors of what I done replaying from last night. What the hell did I just do?! I scolded myself. I was nowhere near ready to move in with Gummy two hundred years ago what made me think I could do it now!? Well what's done is done is done is done. I sighed as the door closed and I heard the footsteps of Gummy go downstairs. I remembered how he welcomed me into the castle last night, my hips still aching from pounding him all night. I'm pretty sure I bit him everywhere under his clothes so he'll be tender for a while. I sat up and held my head in my hands. I was not proud of myself. Not proud of my weakness for his flesh. How I missed his flesh. But this flesh wasn't under his complete control. That thing Anya placed inside him made him this way. So I shouldn't get my heart too attached. He wasn't really mine and he'll never be. With a sigh, I decided to get up and get dressed to come down a little later. I wonder how the candy people are going to react when they see me floating around his castle. I hope they don't explode. It's weird. While I waited a little while longer, I decided to play my guitar, the first thing we got back from the cave I was living in. My fingers moved so smoothly against the strings as I closed my eyes letting my sorrows and worries out in the voice of my guitar, wailing and weeping for me in sweet melancholy notes. I don't know how, but I began to envision Gummy as I played, my fingers dancing faster and faster on the strings, the fear of him leaving me once he found out what happened, how angry he would be, how he would hate me. Before I knew it, I was lost in the music again the music getting louder and louder, sadder and sadder. I didn't even hear Gumball's rapid footsteps come to the room his face frustrated from the loud noise no doubt.

"Marshall, its ten--" I stopped playing mid-note snapping out of my own trance from the door being slammed open. His anger dissolved into worry as he walked to me placing his hand on my face. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt his wet hand against my cheek. How long had I been like this?

"You're upset." He sat by me, concern written all over his face. "Marshall, what's wrong baby?" I shook my head and placed my hand on his. I mean what the hell could I tell him? There was this witch who put this...thing inside you and in reality; you don't really love me because I screwed up a relationship two hundred years ago? Of course I had to lie.

"It's nothing sweetie. I just needed to vent a little." He placed his other hand on my lap.

"Well isn't that what I'm here for?" He tilted his head. "We promised we would talk to each other and not hide anything like this. Remember that huge fight we had about that?" Boy did I remember. I came back from visiting my mom and of course, she wanted me to follow in her footsteps and she didn't understand what I wanted. She and I have never really seen eye to eye. And as much as I try to find common ground with her, she seems to have a one track mind and it's about ruling the Nightosphere. It's my birthright. But of course we argued about that the whole time I was there and I came back taking it out on him, when in reality I should've just ranted to him about it. Instead, I was cold and distant to him. Which of course pissed him off to no end, until he ended up having his banana guards capture me and place me in a room with him until we ended up talking about it.


"Gumball what the stuff man?! Why did you get your banana goons to drag me here?"

"Cause I'm sick of your attitude towards me! That's why! What did I do to make you so angry!?" I flinched and shook my head grabbing my guitar.

"Don't worry about it; I've just been in a bad mood alright?" That was the first time he snatched the guitar away from me ever.

"NO! It's not alright Marshall! You've been taking out your anger on me and I don't even know why you're upset. All I want to do is help you the best I can and here you are being so frickin secretive with me! I hate it when you're like this! You never let me in and I'm so sick of it!" He slammed the guitar on the table forcing pained distorted notes out of it.

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