Bad Day

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"I'm tired. Let me take rest for about...a year."

"Seriously? Come on. Just this once. Please accompany me Penang."

          I sighed. Jessy wouldn't stop bugging me until I fulfilled her so-called-wish. Unwillingly, I nodded and headed towards my room to pack my things from my room. I could hear her squealing in excitement while saying "Thank you, Min" for a dozen time. Unknowingly, a smile crept onto my face. Jessy is such a silly girl.

          After I finished packing, I dragged myself towards the car while carrying along my backpack. I only packed light since we'll only in Penang for two days. Since Jessy was the one who was too eager to go to Penang, I forced - more like blackmailing her to drive. She reluctantly agreed when I said that I won't come with her if she kept on insisting me to drive. So, as a result, she's the one sitting in the driver's seat. The taste of victory is always yummy. On the way, Jessy kept her eyes on the road while I just stared outside and thought about what got into me to agree on Jessy's persuasion. What have I done? Why did I agree to follow her from Kedah all the way to Penang just to buy a HANDBAG? I face-palmed and cursed myself for being too kind and wasted my precious holiday for shopping. Welcome to boredom, Min.

          After what seemed like forever, we finally arrived in a hotel in Penang. We decided to take a rest and go shopping on the next day since it's already night. God, thank goodness Jessy still had her consciousness. I'm too tired even to lift a finger.

"Comfy bed, marry me!" I said dramatically while letting the gravity do its job, making me fall face-first on the bed.

"You're such a drama queen, "Jessy said between laughter. We just laughed together and had a girl chat before drowsiness hit us. Out of tiredness, we slept like logs.

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