Very long chapter ahead

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Miranda's pov

I quickly run to Mike's. Tears streaming down my face. I bust through his door where he was watching TV. He jumps off the couch seeing me in terror. "Uncle Mike! Save Mr. Jason!" Sierra cries, miserable. "What happened?" He asks. I tell him everything and his stare turns hard furious. "Oh man, they fucked with the wrong cowboy." He growls. He hugs us both and grabs his rifle. "Don't open this door for anyone but me and if he escapes Jason. I will save him." He says, his voice shaky but stern.

Jason's pov

He stole my phone and is scrolling through the contacts. "If you want someone who has money, you should try my main man Mike." I say, still on the ground. He turns around, kicking me in the face. I fall backward in surprise, clutching my nose. "Shut up!" He yells.

Mike's pov

She gives me the address to the place and I quickly gather my squad of Jason's band, me (of course) my brother Terry, and Luke. They all have guns. I sneak to the door and kick it in. He's on his knees with a bloody nose. He looks up, his eyes wide and a smile settles on his face. I run over, helping him up while the rest of the guys are fighting off the other idiots. I reach a hand out and he shakily clasps it, stumbling as he gets up. "You okay?" I ask. He nods. "Thanks Mike." He says, hugging me. "Of course man, you're my brother. Now get back to your terrified girls. They're at my place." Tears shimmer in his eyes. "Thank God they're okay." He says.

Jason's pov

I'm about to run out the door when Luke stops me. "I was wrong man." He says. "Wrong about what?" I ask. "About the girls." I nod. He was so wrong. They're my whole life and I've only been dating her three weeks. I run out the door and get a cab to Mike's house.

Miranda's pov

The door flies open, making me scream until I see it's Jason. Sierra runs to him, throwing her arms around his legs. He bends down and holds her tight on his knees. I'm too shocked on the couch to move. I shakily stand up and Jason looks up at me with tears in his eyes. "Baby, I'm so glad you're okay. I thought for sure they killed you." He chokes out, stumbling over to me. His arms wrap around my waist and he presses his lips to mine. His hand moving to my head, tangling in my hair. "I'm so glad you're okay." I whisper, kissing him harder. The door opens to reveal Mike, Luke, and the guys in the band. Jason turns around, his hand gripped tightly in mine, our fingers laced together. "Thanks for saving me guys." He says. Mike picks Sierra up. "No need to thank us. Now get outta here lovebirds, I got the little one." My face gets hot. Jason's hand tightens around mine.

Jason's pov

Oh that guy. Everyone is staring at us now. We walk right by the guys. I keep my stare on the ground and open the door to my truck, helping her in. We drive back home in silence. "Well that was awkward." She mumbles. "What did he do after we left?" I look over at her. "Babe, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. Plus the guys have taken them out so we're all good." She smiles. "What the hell are we sitting in this truck for? Mike's got Sierra." I smirk. We go inside her house. I close and lock the door. My hands on her hips as I pull her into a kiss. I push her against the wall as we make out. She slowly unbuttons my shirt, not wanting to break the kiss. I kick off my boots. I pick her up, her legs wrapping around my waist. My shirt, fully unbuttoned, hangs loosely around my shoulders. Her hands entangle in my hair as I carry her to our room. They move lower and I close the door. She runs her fingers down my back sending shivers down my spine. "Baby you're turnin' me on so bad." I whisper. I set her down, her hands resting on my belt, a sly smile on her face. I kiss her hard again as she undoes my belt, my jeans hitting the floor almost as quickly as her shirt. I lay her on the bed.


I sigh softly in contentment, her head and hand resting against my chest, my arm wrapped around her. I love her so much. "Don't ever stop loving me." She whispers. "Never baby." She sits up and start kissing my chest, making me moan in pleasure. "Baby I love you so much." I whisper moan. She giggles softly her hands on my chest. She climbs on top of me. We make out again, my hands on her legs. I flip her over, rubbing her leg while we kiss. I wrap my arms tight around her. "Never let go, Jason." She moans, breathing in sharply. "I never will baby girl. I promise." I whisper, easing in slowly. She moans softly and opens her eyes. "I love you." She whispers. "I love you too baby. So much." I kiss her again.

Mike's pov

"Thanks for saving Mr. Jason." Sierra says, teary eyed. I bend down to her eye level. "Me and Jason will always be here for you and your mom." I say, hugging the set little girl. "Well actually she's my sister not my mom." She says. I raise an eyebrow in surprise. "But you call her mama." She blushes and looks away. "It makes me feel better since I don't really have a mommy or a daddy." She whispers. Poor kid. "You do. Jason is your daddy. He loves you so much." She smiles. I wipe the tears from her eyes. "I love Mr. Jason too. And Mama loves Mr. Jason. He's my hero." She says. I pat her head and pick her up. "Let's go get some dinner. Who's up for Wendy's?" She cheers. "Wendy's!" I take her out to my truck and we go to Wendy's.

*the next day*

I get a call from Jason asking if he needs to pick Sierra up. "She's fed and ready to go." "Thanks man. I owe you one big time. Taking Sierra last night for us was probably the best thing that could ever have happened to me." "What do you mean by that?" I ask a little annoyed. He suddenly gets nervous. I coulda sworn he loved them. "Well, I scored really well last night." I laugh and roll my eyes. "Okay. See ya in a bit." Ten minutes later, his truck pulls into view. "Mama! Daddy!" Sierra cries when he opens the door. His eyes wide in surprise when she calls him dad. It makes me super suspicious. Does he really care about them? Or is it just to get laid? "Hey Sierra, how was Uncle Mike's?" Miranda asks, picking her up. "Great. I had fun. We went to Wendy's." "Jason, me and you need to talk." I hiss. He looks at me oddly, asking what's up with a look. "Alone." I say, trying not to get pissed, my fists clenched. "Ok, go wait in the car, baby, I'll be out in a minute." He says, kissing her forehead. "And you little miss, will tell me all about the fun with Uncle Mike." He says, teasingly. "I love you daddy." She says, hugging his neck. Again the weird look settles on his face again. They leave and he let's out a whoosh of air. "That is unexpected." He says. "What is?" "Her calling me daddy. Now don't get me wrong. I love it. I just didn't expect it." He says, a smile settling on his face. "That girl really loves you Jason." I say. He smiles bigger. "I love her too. I'm so glad I found them at the park that day." I'm a little surprised since I thought it was just what I was thinking. "So this isn't just a way to get laid?" I ask. His jaw drops. "Whoa.. Whoa hold on! Did you really just say that?!" He shouts. "Well after what you said earlier-" "Do you really think I'd do that! For one thing if I was looking for a way to as you put it get laid I wouldn't go after a girl who had a kid." He gripes, furious. "I could get any girl I want." She opens the door. "Uh Jason-" "What you said doesn't even make sense. Because if she has a kid it wouldn't work!" Her jaw drops. "Uh Jason! Turn around!" "What?" "Turn the hell around!" I scream.

Jason's pov

I turn around and my hand falls to my side in surprise. "It's good to know how you really feel Jason." She gripes, furious. Shit. "No baby wait!" I gasp. She stomps out and I follow her. "Baby wait listen please!" I cry, grabbing her arm. "Oh it wouldn't work? huh?" "No hun listen. Mike asked if I was-" "Oh save it Jason." She shouts pulling free. I'm gonna kill Mike. "He asked if I was just using you to get laid and I was going off on him for it! I swear I didn't mean what I said!" I cry desperate. "Then why did you even say it?!" She yells, turning around with tears in her eyes. "Because I was telling him it would be stupid for me to choose a girl like you just to get laid.... No I chose you because I love you." I explain, walking closer. I reach out but she swats my hand away. "I promise baby." She grips her arms, crying. I walk closer, pulling her into a hug. "I promise.... I love you and our little girl more than life itself. I'd die before I let anyone else hurt you." "You mean it?" She asks, looking up, meeting my eyes. "Of course baby. You're not a burden. You don't have baggage. I don't see you or Sierra as that. I see the girl I love with such a big heart who takes care of her baby sister. I love both of you so much. I couldn't live without you." I brush a tear from her cheek. "I promise." I whisper again, kissing her. "Do you forgive me?" She smiles and nods. Thank God.

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