Woman Warrior

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Chapter 1

A green station wagon was driving down a long leaf covered road in the middle of the fall. The man driving was named Al Ballenbacher. A middle aged man with a mental image. Sitting next to him was his niece who was named Emily Ballenbacher. Since she was born, Al loved that his little brother's big family was complete. Marcus Ballenbacher had three sons before welcoming his first girl. 

Everything was great. Although the mother Ellie started noticing that Marcus was treating her rather differently then his sons. He trainned his sons everyday for combat, but never included Emily. Even reaching the age of ten wasn't enough to sway Marcus into thinking she coud learn to be a warrior like her older siblings. When confronted about his lack of equity for her daughter it only started agruements. Eventually leading to their divorce.

The divorce carried out with Marcus and his sons moving away, leaving Ellie and Emily by themselves. Al began reaching out to them, helping whenever he could. Al had no romantic interest in Ellie he was only concerned for the well being of his family. Emily would ask her mother why her father left and she would never tell her. Al knew though and thought Emily deserved to know.

Al spent almost every day with her and when she turned thirteen he thought she was ready to hear the truth. Ellie consented on this and Al told her the conversation he his brother had the day after the divorce was finalized.

Al looked over at Emily who was staring out the window. He recalled their conversation like it was yesterday. 

"No women is fit to fight. All the women I know who have ever won a fight only exploited pressure points and holds. They don't have what it takes. It's dishonorable and I will not have my daughter being one of those pretend fighters who only fight people if they are in their weight class." Marcus said packing his bags. "Your calling that dishonorable when your letting your pride and selfishness destroy your marriage and your family? I don't know how you can even live with this. She's your daughter and this is not what you were raised to believe. This is not the way you were taught. I should know because I trainned you."

Al turned his attention back to the road and continued playing the conersation in his head.

"Father didn't even want to teach you. He said you were too weak and wouldn't be able to hold your own." Al came back with. "True, but I changed his mind and everyone elses who has ever seen me fight. I didn't need his approval and I certaintly don't need yours." Marcus said now done packing and walking to the front door. "This isn't right. How is your situation any different than hers? A father who doesn't support his own blood because he sees them as too weak." Al said desperatly trying to make him see reason.

The two fueding brothers continued their conversation as Marcus walked out the front door and into the rain. Marcus was walking to his S.U.V. and was about to put his bags away.

"You know this isn't right. You have to." Al said. Marcus continued putting his bags away and walked to the driver's side of the vehicle. "Don't ignore me!!" Al shouted as he pushed the door closed and kicked his brother to the ground. In a flash Marcus was on his feet stood opposing Al. "Big mistake." Marcus said.

Marcus came at him and swung swiftly with his fist directly into his brothers face knocking him to the ground. He came to up to pin him to the ground but Al kicked him in he groin and then in the face. He stumbled back running into the car and with a flip Al was back on his feet. Al landed three punches into his chest and one into the face until being tackled by Marcus. He rammed Al into the garage door of the house and nailed him in the ribs until he lost his breathed and finished with a headbutt to the nose.

Al slid to the ground holding his nose and Marcus turned around to walk to the car. In a surpise attack, Al drop kicked Marcus shoving him into the grill of the car. Al got up quickly and pulled him to his feet. Al started banging his head into the hood of the car. After the the third time Marcus elbowed him in the eye. Grabbing hold of Al he swung him hard into the car and then kneed him in the face. Al fell to the ground.

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