Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

A/N: Sorry this is short and EXTREMELY sorry that I haven't uploaded this story in like a month, I've had serious writers block. But, hopefully now I've got it sorted out. So yay for that :D This is almost completely unedited and there is a very large possibility that there are tons of mistakes (especially with how I get mixed up with your/you're). If you spot any feel free to let me know and I'll fix them up right away :)

Got a short story coming out soon! It's gonna be called "How I Fell". My current background is the cover. Keep yours eyes our for it!

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have a great day!

Comment, vote and fan!

I love you all!


The chill finally got to me and I numbly unlocked the door and made my way inside.

Was I in shock?

No, I couldn't be. It had just been a kiss, and not even my first one. I hadn't dated many guys but I did have experience.

I had been dreaming of him kissing me for so long that I thought that it would never happen. That's all. I felt empty, almost. I had ever since he had released his hold on me.

Turning on the light I was startled to find my dad standing in the hallway, looking at me with a disapproving expression. "Who was that boy?"

Oh dear God, I did not need him to play concerned father right now. "Just a friend from school dad. I'm tired, I'm going to bed."

I was almost past him when he stretched his arm out and braced it against the wall, preventing me from passing.

"Just a minute. You go out, don't come back until nine o'clock and don't even leave a message or call. That isn't like you Willow, where were you?"

"Just out with some friends dad." I waited for him to move his arm but he didn't. "What?" I sighed.

"Honey..." He hesitated before continuing. "What's wrong? You've been acting weird the last few days."

In other words, ever since I found out about what I really was from Dexter. I was tempted to ask dad about the whole for about the twentieth time today. I felt the words in my throat - though God knows what I was actually going to say - trying to escape. I bit my lip, contemplating. Best case, my dad would have the answers I wanted and would explain the parts I was still a little fuzzy on. Worst case, he would think I was a nutcase if I brought up ghosts and controlling the weather and secret clubs.

But he had always believed the crazy things I'd come up with, never doubting my abilities. Why would now be any different?

Despite my reasoning I was still hesitant.

"It's nothing dad," I mumbled, eyes cast the other way. I had never been a great lier. "I've got school tomorrow. Good night."

Before he could say anything else I escaped to my room - and froze.

Okay, I know I had left some clothes and things scattered around and that my bed had been a mess, but it hadn't been THIS bad, had it? Hell, my room had never been this bad, I was sure.

Hearing dads footsteps behind me I stepped in fully and closed the door, pressing the little knob that locked it. The foot steps hesitated outside of my room and I held my breath, silently praying that he wouldn't knock. A moment later I heard him continuing down the hallway and exhaled in relief as the TV turned on. Football. He wouldn't be bothering me for a while.

Satisfied that I had some privacy I turned to face my room.

Well, my mess, anyway. It more resembled a war zone than a room. My draws had been pulled out, the contents dumped on the floor. The sheets had been yanked off of my bed and the mattress itself was half off of the bed frame, which had been pushed towards the window. Everything had been pulled out of my closet.

What the hell? I thought, frowning. I had definitely left my room cleaner than this. Had dad gone through my room? No, he never came in my room without permission, no matter what. And he would have mentioned it.

Maybe it was Dexter's idiotic idea of a joke, it wasn't exactly like he hadn't broken in before. Or maybe... Maybe it had been someone else...

No, that was stupid. But still, I couldn't shake the feeling that someone had been in here. The way everything was tossed around... It almost reminded me of how my room had looked last weekend when I'd lost my phone charger and had gone crazy looking for it. I hadn't made quite as much as a mess, but generally? Yeah, this was what it had looked like.

Had somebody been looking for something?

I found my eyes wandering over to the window and the blinds I had left open. Outside it was completely dark, darker than I remembered it being just moments before.

I was a Seakyr. I had special powers. Did that mean that other supernatural creatures existed? Why just us? Why not every fairytale?

What if something was out there hiding in the dark? How would I know? It could be watching me right now.

What if that something had been in my room today? Had it found what it was looking for?

Staring out at the night barely illuminated by the dark I felt a shiver go down my spine. It was a terrifying thought. I suddenly had the urge to go curl up in my parents' bed like I was four again.

Sucking it up I slowly edged around the obstacles between me and the window and closed my blinds.

I immediately felt better. In fact, I felt like I had just blocked the sight of some unseen eyes. Creepy.

Keeping my eyes on the window I walked backwards, stopping when I reached my bed. Ignoring the voice screaming at me, telling me not to take my eyes off of the window, I turned around and quickly shoved the mattress onto the frame and threw my doona on top, not bothering with the sheet.

Not quite brave enough to make the journey from the light switch and back to bed in the dark, I did a quick search, found Jefferey, and snuggled up under the covers, safe in the bright, electric light.

It wasn't until I was just slipping into a much needed sleep and my walls were down that I felt it.


It froze me. Whatever I was touching was terrified.

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to rebuild my barriers and block out the panic. It didn't work. Forcing myself to relax, I slowly focused on each item the was directly touching my skin and finally found the source.


Had he seen something? No, he was just a toy...

But he was terrified. And that was just wrong. He was meant to comfort me, not the other way around.

No matter how hard I focused, I couldn't get him out of mind. In the end I threw him out of bed, annoyed with him.

I felt insane, getting pissed off at a stuffed toy, but at least putting distance between us eased the paranoia.

I didn't fall asleep thinking about evil eyes, or some creeper in my room, or even Noah.

I fell asleep thinking of Dexter.

The Mind of Willow GreyWhere stories live. Discover now