Chapter 5

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I had no idea that anyone could be so amazing, let alone that there could be so many amazing people in one place. After my initial shock of finding out that Noah was here and not treating me like some little kid I became semi-functional again and actually payed attention, instead of standing there like an open-mouthed fool.

Dexter explained that each person in this room with me was either a Seakyr or a Chaengyr, each unique in their own special way. He said that not all of them lived in our town but that they came her because it was the closest to where they lived.

I think short little Autumn, with her coppery curls and bright, intelligent emerald eyes, was my favourite. She was a Seakyr too and her power was simple yet wonderful. She couldn't teleport, she couldn't tell the future. She did, however, have the ability to change the appearance of anything she wanted.

With her mind. How amazing was that?

She could brighten a dark photograph or change the colour of a shirt she no longer liked.

With her mind.

I'll just say it now. Despite only knowing her for ten minutes, I already wanted to be her.

Did I mention she was amazing?

And, astonishingly, that was only the beginning.

Storm and Lightning were twins, and you could see where they got their names. Each had jet black hair and stormy grey eyes, with bright flecks through them that almost resembled flashes of electricity. Sharp, identical facial features, only Storm's were more feminine. They looked dangerous and mysterious, yet alluring. Chaengyr's, with a shared ability. They controlled the weather.

I have no idea how it worked, and I doubt they did either, but -amazing.

Kana'a I actually recognised from school. She was in the 9th grade and among the youngest in the club tonight. If I had been asked to point out who I thought was either a Seakyr or Chaengyr from a large crowd I would have pointed at her first. She definitely seemed otherworldly with her way too knowing drenched-violet eyes, fine, white-blonde hair, slender frame and odd grace. She was a medic, and apparently a talented one, too. Under his breath Dexter had told me that she had brought her younger brother back from the edge of death a few years back. Poor thing, that must have been horrible for her. She would have been so young, almost as young as I was when my mum died.

But she wasn't looking for sympathy. She must have extraordinary hearing because she heard what Dexter was telling me and told me straight away that she didn't want me to feel sorry. I had no problem with that, I knew from experience that sometimes being babied could just make you more depressed.

Now, Noah was, well... Noah. He was brilliant on all different levels, and I know it wasn't just me who was so caught up in his gorgeous eyes. Every female in the room -along with one guy in the far corner- were gazing at him with interest. They also seemed to like Dexter, and i couldn't blame them. I, admittedly, was attracted to him as well. That attraction was just overshadowed by my love for Noah, which was just sad because he felt nothing for me in return.

"So, uh, what can you do?" I asked lamely, trying to steer myself away from that depressing topic.

His smile was dazzling and for a minute I forgot how to breathe. "I'm a Chaengyr. I control the element air." As if to punctuate his words a small gust a wind suddenly filled the room, which I swear to God has no windows. A few of the girls actually paused in their drooling long enough to seem annoyed about having their hair messed up. "What about you?" He questioned.

"Oh, me? I, uh, read other peoples minds. With, you know, my mind." Shoot me now.

"Really? That's cool, I've only met one other mind reader before. How come you've never been here before? I had no idea you were a Seakyr."

The Mind of Willow GreyWhere stories live. Discover now