Mystey Guy

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The moon lowered slowly, soon replaced by the sun, happily vanishing away the darkness. I leaned my head back onto the tree. Dried tears clung to my hair and face. I ran out of tears 3 hours ago, but I couldn't fall asleep. My garment was torn and dirty, and my feet lay swollen and slashed in the mud. A crack of a twig made my heart speed up, but I was too tired to move my body. Birds whispered in the air solemnly, singing of my mothers death. The creek sloshed against the rocks in anger, but I didn't reply. I felt lonely and dead. One more built up salty tear slid down my cheek but then vanished into my mouth. Its bitter taste made me cry out in agony, and another crack of a twig had my head hang low onto my lap. I was useless and afraid, waiting for someone to come and kill me, or save me. And for far too long, a god heard my plea and sent a tall, luminous figure to stand over me and wonder. 

"" I coughed trying to lick the soreness from my cracked lips. The person stood there, confused. Then in one swift motion they picked me up and carried me to a unknown location. The heat from their body caused me to be rocked into a much needed sleep.


I woke up in a fluffy bed, dazed and sore. The sun bounced off the walls and reflected onto the ocean just right out side the balcony. In awe, I climbed out of the bed and stepped over to the open doors, letting the breeze brush through my hair. It was perfect, the bright glowing water blending into the golden soft sand. I felt like I was in one of my books. Where the girl looks out onto the beautiful scenery and has nature calling her name.

"Like the view?" A silky loving voice called out softly. I spun around and was amazed by a gorgeous man stand in front of me. He had silky chocolate brown waves as hair swept slightly to the side. His eyes gleamed more blue than the ocean, he stood tall and politely in a grey shirt and black jeans with red converse. "Yes..." I mumbled looking down as my cut up feet. He followed my gaze and his shining smile dropped. Just leaving his perfect pink lips to frown at my wounds. "Here, let me help you." He said softly, sticking out his hand encouragingly. I placed my soft hand into his and let him lead me to his bathroom. I sat on the counter and waited, as he rummaged through his cupboards. And soon enough he came out with cotton balls and some alcohol. I sniffled slightly and squeezed onto his shoulder each time he gently dampened each cut. "Sorry," he said genuinely looking up into my blue eyes. And finally he finished, but I didn't realize because I was so lost in his eyes. "Thank you," I mumbled fiddling with my fingers. Looking everywhere but him, I felt so intimidated by his stare. But to my luck a knock rung out on his door. And he left to grab it, leaving me in the middle of the room awkwardly. I rung my hands in pressure and watched through my eyelashes at who was at the door. "Hello?" my mystery guy said kindly opening up the door to reveal....

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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