Beauty In Another World

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Good morning mother," I cooed as I walked into our small, quaint kitchen. "Good morning Charlie, how did you sleep?" she asked not taking her eyes off of a worn out chapter book. "It was okay," I mumbled remembering the events last night and cringing. She finally peeled her eyes off her book and looked at me questioningly, but I just shrugged it off and turned around to look in our cupboard. "What does that mean dear?" She asked sweetly, swiftly getting up from her chair and standing beside me. "Nothing, really mother." I assured, taking my eyes from the pantry to look into her deep brown eyes. She sighed and resumed back to the rickety old dining chair she once was occupying. A warm gust of air from out side whistled into the room taking my mind off the uncomfortable silence that had blanketed the room at the moment. "Quite a nice day it is mum," I stated proudly looking out our small window that over looked a sea of green and browns. "Yes, but sadly I have some reading to catch up on," my mother stated before standing back up and receding to the living area without taking her eyes from her book. I shrugged before walking back to my room. I pushed a white door open, revealing (in my opinion) the best room of the house, my room. The sun gleamed through the window illuminating the white walls, and the greens and yellows that where here and there in my room. I began to sing a random tune along with the birds outside my open window as the light breeze rustled the dull green curtains. Twirling towards my old brown dresser, I pulled the top drawer out and flipped through the small selection of dresses. Finally making up my mind, I pulled out a white sun dress that went to about mid-thigh, and lime green lace on the top and bottom. Neatly putting my night gown away, I grabbed my sketch book and reaching out my window I grabbed a fresh apple from the apple tree that I had planted right outside of my window when I was a little girl one Summer. "I'm going for a walk," I sweetly told my mother watching her pin her hair up. "Okay dear, but if you feel unsafe come home." she warned, looking me strongly in the eye, I nodded in understanding and started for the front door.

I pulled the wooden door open and stepped out onto the ground, letting the sweet smells of the earth kiss my skin and blow my blond hair off my bare shoulders. I giggled and started off into the woods, the sun seeped through the vibrant green leaves that hung onto the ancient trees' limbs. The birds sung sweetly above my head as I watched and took in every detail of the woods, walking and walking, loving the feeling of the wet moss and dirt squish between my feet and toes.

Finally reaching my hidden spot, I sat down on the green grass hidden by tall trees. I dipped my apple into the clean river that rushed between the woods, bringing the deep red fruit to my pink lips, I relished the cold feeling it gave before I sunk my teeth into it, it's juicy flavour exploding in my mouth making me smile. I slid my aching feet into the cool stream that slowly rushed along. The sun lay on my shoulders like a blanket producing warmth. My eye lids dropped as I became lethargic. I pulled out my sketch book and flipped its ruined cover open and turned through each page cherishing each drawing that I had made my entire life. Finally coming to a blank page, I looked around me and found a small rock that has been moulded making it soft, I placed it's sharp end on the clean white page, I looked around for inspiration and that's when I spotted the apple that lay beside me. The sun perfectly gleaming off the dew on the dark red skin; the perfect bite of white and little green leaf that stuck out of the top connected to the stem. "How picture perfect," I sighed dreamily still taking in every facet of the apple. The more I stared at it, the more it became mysterious and unknown to me making it more fascinating than ever, as if I have never seen such a beautiful object made by nature before. Sketching every detail of the fruit, the rock swiftly glided across the page. Soon enough my sketch was finished and made me feel proud, but the afternoon sun reached my head making me more sleepy. I lay down, placing my head on green moss, listening to the babbling brook that lay beside me, singing me a beautiful lullaby, the sun kissed my eyes making me close them. And a peaceful sleep took over my body.

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