No Longer Paradise

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My eyes slowly drifted open revealing a dark sky. I jumped up and ran for the cabin. "No, no, no!" I mumbled, hoping my mother either fell asleep or completely forgot about my absence. The air was getting thick, and humid making it hard to breath so I stopped running. Silence fell around me, the only sound of my pounding heart. A snap of a twig made me shoot up from my exhausted pose. I twirled around in circles, looking for the source. The rustle of leaves behind me sent my blood cold. "Hello?" I whispered to the dense air, a heavy foot step pounded the earth setting me off running again not waiting to see what it was.

Reaching the cabin, I swung the door open and raced inside, forgetting to lock the door. "Charlie?!" My mother's panicked voice wavered from the kitchen. "" I panted, gasping for breath. She came jogging out, wrapping her protective arms around me. "Oh Charlie you had me worried sick!" She cried, pulling me from her warm body to look at me at arms length. "I know I'm sorry mum but I fell asleep and then I woke up and I realised that it was late and I ran but I got tired so I stopped, but when I stopped I heard something or someone behind me so I ran again!" I cried in only two breathes, my body racked with fear as my eyes darted cautiously around the room. "Shh, Charlie, breath, breath." She whispered caressing my hair. My heart rate slowed down and my breathing went to a normal pace, but my hands still shook with fear. "Look, I'll heat up some water, while you go lock up the house. Then you can take a bath and be off to bed." My mother said hugging me tight. I nodded yes and hurried off, happy that I will get to have that steamy hot bath relax my sore, aching muscles. I went into dining room and locked the window, pulling the drapes shut quickly not daring to look out into the night. I turned the kerosene lamp off and trudged to the kitchen. I tiptoed to the window still open letting in cool air, I shivered and closed it locking it tight. I turned around and started for the bathroom. "Hey mo-" I started but was cut off by my mother grabbing my arm and dragging me into my room. Shutting the door and locking it, she grabbed a random duffel bag that was hidden behind my bed. "Where did that come from?" I asked completely oblivious to the fact that she looked scared. "Shh," she warned not looking me in the face but only on the door behind me. "Mother wha-" she cupped my mouth and pushed me towards the window. Shoving clothes into the bag she looked at me with sad eyes. "M-mom?" I asked feeling sick, but she only shook her head in despair and pushed me towards the window. "Go. run." She whispered looking back at the door, finally I looked where the white peeling painted door stood, footsteps pounded on the other side. She unlatched the window and threw the bag out, then with a light shove I stumbled towards the ledge. "No, mom, look it's gonna be okay, just tell me, what's going on?" I asked desperately. She looked at me with tears, one trailing down her smooth pale cheeks. A pound struck at the weary door, she jumped and with one strong push, I fell out the window, the earths surface slamming hard on my back. "Run, go north!" She whispered, throwing me a locket, "I love you Charlie." she cried, and with one swift motion she shut the window and turned to something. I quickly scrambled to my feet and cautiously watched as my mother coward at the pounding from the door. It finally broke open revealing a tall figure in black. It stepped towards her and easily grabbed her by the throat, I gasped and bit my hand to keep from screaming. The figure yelled something at her but she didn't respond, all she did was keep crying. It dropped her harshly on the floor, she curled into a ball sobbing, he or she took a step back and pulled something out their pocket, they aimed it at my mom's head and clicked it's finger, her screams rung through the woods, my teeth sunk into my hand drawing blood. She lay there limp her eyes closed as blood covered her twisted face. I stood erect and couldn't think, I looked around me, the trees in the darkness looking like angry shadows ready to pounce and tear me to pieces. My body went numb as I ran north clutching the locket in my bloody palm. Tears blurring my vision and seeping into my mouth causing a salty taste to erupt. But nothing mattered, the only the words that stuffed my brain where.

"My mother is dead."

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