"Yes I am sure." And I was. I could tell this was something we both wanted, hell we both needed too. There was no one I'd rather have take my virginity. I didn't want some random guy or someone inexperienced. If I wanted this done right I wanted someone with experience, who knew where everything was and could make this memorable. Guys don't get how special this is to girls. To a guy it's just a hump and dump but to girls after giving their virginity away it's like a piece is being shared and a connection given. It is something you will always remember as you get older. Yes I could regret it but as of right now and how I was feeling I wasn't going to. This was something I wanted to do.

"Are you sure?" He asked again uncertainty clear in his voice. I smiled up at him feeling touched he cared so much about me to keep asking if this is what I wanted.

"Yes Liam."

"You sure?" At that I grabbed his head once more and brought his lips to mine. If words won't convince him I have other ways. With a groan against my mouth Liam grabbed my ass and lifted me up making me wrap my legs around his waist. With his mouth still attached to mine he walked us to the bedroom. My lips lost contact as he threw me down on the bed making me yelp. I bounced twice before his body was laying on top of mine. I grinned at him and I let my fingers run down his cheeks and jaw.

"You want to do this with me?" I asked in a small voice. I glanced into his eyes before looking at his chest.

"There is no one I'd rather do this with Jenna. And I mean that with everything I have." He put a finger under my chin tilting my head up to look at him again. "I want this as much as you do." Placing a soft gentle kiss to my lips then pulled away.

"Liam I've uh... I've never done this before." I whispered blushing looking everywhere but at him. That is so embarrassing to say out loud, especially to a guy who has probably slept with more then half of New York's women population.

"That is nothing to be ashamed of Jenna, I am glad you haven't." He said sincerely.


"Yes to even think you have been with anyone else makes me lose my mind. I want you all to myself." He admitted not once looking guilty for saying that. I couldn't hold back my grin.

"Just...just be careful. And sorry in advance if i'm not that good." Cue the awkward blush once more.

"That can never happen." Liam said leaning back down to kiss me. This time the kiss was soft and slow instead of the hard and intense one before. My body was slowly starting to fly onto cloud 9. I felt Liam's hands move down to my bare legs and slowly drift up my thighs. I shivered under his touch. As his hands move higher up his mouth trailed down my neck to my collarbone. Breathing deeply I spread my legs for him and I laid my head back on the bed.

His hands stilled and his mouth left my body as he looked up at me. With my green eyes on his blue ones he grabbed the bottom of my dress and slowly started to pull it off. I sat up as he got it over my waist and put my arms up letting him know to continue. With a grin at me in one smooth motion he pulled my dress off leaving me bare beside my underwear.

Throwing the article of clothing over his shoulder he gazed down at me. I felt so exposed and had to fight not to cover myself. A groan got my attention as I made myself look up at Liam. His eyes were hooded as he stared down at my naked upper body. Not wanting to be the only one with one article of clothing on I let go of my embarrassment and stood on my knees on the bed in front of Liam. I let my hands wander up his hard stomach to his chest.

Biting my bottom lip I started to undo the buttons on his dress shirt. Liam put his hands loosely on my sides as I worked on undressing him. More and more of his skin was showing more and as I undid the last button my mouth dried up at being so close to his abs. How he kept a 6 pack I have no idea.

A Year Agreement  (PUBLISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now