present day

37 0 0

Remi was sitting on a curb with a cigarette sticking out of her mouth.

She smiled to herself when a truck stopped in front of her.
She stood and knocked on the drivers side window.

The window rolled down and a middle aged man smiled a wicked grin.

"You looking for a good time?" She asked.

"Yeah baby."

"I'm not cheap mister."
He pulled out a giant stack of money.
She checked it and got into the passengers side.
He started the car and started driving.
"Stop." She said.


"I do what I do in the vehicle." She said and lifted her shirt over her head.
The man stopped driving and admired her body.
She smiled and grabbed his thigh slowly moving her hand to his pocket.

Before the man could do anything Remi punched him and grabbed the money.
She grabbed her shirt,dove out of the car, and started running.

"COME BACK HERE!" The man screamed.
Remi didn't slow down and he started to follow her.

"Shit." She whispered under her breath and ran towards some townhouses.

She knocked on the door and hoped at least someone attractive would answer.

A tall girl with reddish brown hair opened the door.

"Hi. I only got like five minutes before some random guy burns up this road looking for me. Can I hide here just for now?"

"But I don't even kno-"
Remi heard an engine.

"Sorry. I owe you." Remi said and ran inside. She jumped behind the curtain and peeked outside.
The familiar car drove by slowly and Remi sank down in relief.

"Who are you?" The girl asked.

"Oh yeah. We skipped that." Remi said and put her shirt back on. She walked over to the other girl. "Remi Marino." She held out her hand.

"Anna Turner." She said. "Can I ask why you kinda ran into my house?"
She asked shaking Remi's hand.

Remi pulled out the money and Anna's mouth dropped open.

"I con to get by." Remi said. "That guy. I tricked him into thinking that I was gonna let him get with me." She rifled through the money with a low chuckle. "Thanks for letting me hide here Anna."
She grabbed five 100 dollar bills and handed them to her.
"Don't worry. I'm leaving. Been here for too long anyway." She said quietly and started walking towards the door.

"Remi." Anna said making the shorter girl turn.
"You wanna stay for a while?"

"Nah. I don't wanna be a burden."

"You won't be. My parents are pretty cool and it'll be nice having someone my age around." Anna said.

"How do you know I'm your age."

"How old are you?" Anna asked with a raised eyebrow.

"16." Remi said.

"Me too." Anna said with a small smile.
"You staying or what?"

"I might hang around for a while."

"You have any stuff?"

"Yeah. My corner is a few blocks down."

"Okay. I'll pick up your stuff and you can make yourself at home." Anna said.

"You sure? I don't wanna cause any trouble."

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