Chapter 1: A Blunt Conversation

Start from the beginning

“I’d love to.” She says and she leads the way.


Jacob is so drunk by the time we leave the club, theres no way he can drive. I want to talk to Chresanto separately, so I try to get it to where me and him can ride back in my car alone, but it doesn’t work that way. I take Bella in my car and the boys ride back in their car. Mariah follows me home.

When  we get in, Isabella drags Jacob to the room they are staying in, and Dan dismisses himself to go upstairs and shower, leaving me, Mariah, and Chris downstairs alone. I am giving Chresanto death stares but he doesn’t notice.

“So,” Mariah says. She’s been flirting with him all night, and it’s been getting on my nerves, but I can’t blame her. She doesn’t know that we used to date. “What did you say your name was again?” I roll my eyes. She knows his name, because she’s like obsessed with him. She told me she was gonna play this game when she met them though, so I don’t know why it’s bothering me so much.

Chris smiles, as if he knows what she’s doing. “Chresanto August.” He looks at me. “I’m surprised Melanie hasn’t talked shit about me to ya.”

She looks at me and then Chris again. “Why would she…” The look on my face tells all. She lets out a short laugh. “You two went together?”

Neither of us say anything. She looks back and forth at us with her eyes squinted. “Wait… Mel is he the guy that g-“

“Okay time for you to go home.” I interrupt, pushing her out the door before she can say anything else. She tries to talk again but I cut her off. “I’ll call you tomorrow ok?” I say and shut the door. It may have been cruel, but I could not let Chris know what she was about to say.

I stay facing the door for a while, not wanting to turn around and face him. I feel his presence behind me. “What was she talking about?” He whispers in an accusing tone on my neck, sending familiar chills down my back.

“Nothing..” I say quietly and shut my eyes. God I don’t wanna talk about this. I mean, I’m not the same person I was four years ago. I’m better with... talking about things. But this, this was the single thing I didn’t want to talk about ever again. I told Mariah about it to get it out but.. yea.

“Noooo.” He says in a teasing way. “What was it? Come on I thought we were cool.”

“We are.”

He grabs my shoulders and gently turns me around so that we’re facing each other and presses me against the door. He gets close and stares down at me, looking in my eyes. “Then tell me.”


“You don’t have to tell me,” He says quietly with a hint of cockiness. “Just give me five minutes with your friend and I bet I can get it out of her.” He smirks. His lips are soooo close to mine right now, and I’m very tempted to be reminded of what they taste like. He knows this. He knows what he’s doing to me and it kind of makes me angry.


“Then tell me.” He smiles. He doesn’t get how serious it is. “I won’t be offended, I promise. I just wanna know what you told her about us.”

“It’s not like that.” It literally takes all I have in me to not touch him.

He looks down for a long minute and then looks up at me again. His facial expression gets really serious. “This isn’t about that night four years ago before I left… is it?”





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