Kurapika X Sadness

Start from the beginning

"I see you haven't changed killua... oh yeah, where's gon?" killua sulks a little.

"He went with his dad." Kurapika frowns slightly and looks at him sadly

"oh, sorry." "Nah its fine" killua looks up at him

"So what are you two doing?" killua looks at alluka

"we're just wondering around, finding a good place to law low for a while" kurapika looks to the side and hums

"I might have a place for you!" killua smiles

"For real?" kurapika smiles

"Sure! My boss is on a trip. He's going to be gone for awhile.. a year maybe. It's a penthouse but it'll work! Right?" Killua looks at alluka who's playing with her doll


Killua and Alluka follow Kurapika to the penthouse. In the elevator killua told kurapika everything he missed. Except some secrets of course.

"And he smiled at me. He knew I was looking at him.." kurapika nods and puts his pointer finger and thumb to his chin "Gon is a smart one"

They both stare a each other "Psh-" They both brake out laughing. Killua falls off the chair

"A smart one.. Funny kurapika!" killua sits up resting his right arm on the chair he fell off of.

"Yeah.." kurapika stands.

"well I have to go now, don't mess things up okay?" Killua also stands

"Me? Mess things up? PSH! Like I've ever done that" kurapika has a 'bruh' face and killua holding an onion ring above his head as a halo smirking like a cat.

"HAHA, you're funny" kurapika walks by him taking the onion ring and eating it.

"Hey killua?" Killua turns around with chocolate on his face, hanging out of his mouth and with a robot in each hand.

"hmm?" kurapika grabs his coat and swings it over his shoulder.

"be careful." Kurapika opens the door and killua swallows the chocolate.

"Sure.." kurapika smiles and shuts the door behind him.

"what was that about?" killua stuffs more chocolate in to his mouth.

"Onii chan! How do I use this?"

"the laptop? Well, yo- HEY ITS NOT SUPOSSED TO BEND THAT WAY!"


Running through the forest Gon makes it to an edge.

"GING! I FOUND ONE!" Gon looks down and Gings walks through the trees.

"nice!" he also looks down.

"Gon go get wood ill set up the rest" Gon runs back in to the trees.


Grabbing sticks gon comes across a bunny.

"Aw you're a cute one!" the rabbit looks at him. Gon walks towards it putting the sticks down and picking it up. Gon sits on the nearest log petting it's white fur.

"You're soft aren't you?" he lifts the rabbit to his face. Gon giggles cuz its whiskers tickle his cheek.

"You know what you remind me of?" he puts the rabbit down and rests his chin in his hands. It turns and looks at him

"You remind me of my best friend, Killua." The rabbit wiggles its nose

"He's not with me now because he's dedicated the res of his life to his sister.." the rabbit jumps towards Gon, gon lowers his head

"He'd rather protect her.. Than be w-with me.." Gon picks up at the rabbit. Tears streaming down his face.

"Does he care anymore?" Gon sniffles

"Did he ever care?" he sits up

"He acted like it.." gon looks at the rabbit again. It turns and jumps away. At that moment gon sees killua walking away holding alluka's hand. Gon slides off the log and sits on his knees.

"k-killua" he puts his fists on the ground and puts his four head between them

"Why'd we have to leave each other..?" Gon sits up, wipes his eyes and grabs the sticks.

Running to the camp he trips. Falling on his face. Ging saw him fall

"You okay sport?" Ging looks at him

"no" Gon mumbles in the dirt

"well then get up" Ging turns to the fire pit "bring those sticks" Gon stands holding the sticks.

"I'm not complaining but why not a hotel?" Gon throws the sticks in the pit and Ging lights them.

"this is 'father son bonding'... I think.." Gon sweat drops.

"mm, okay." Gon sits on the ground by the fire with one arm resting on his knee.

"Gon." Gon looks at him


"try to forget for now. It'll only make things worse." Gon looks at the fire.

"I know.. I'm trying.. but everything reminds me of him.. I saw a rabbit in the forest, it was white soft and cute. It reminded me of him. At the market today I saw his favorite chocolate robots. I saw a kid riding a skateboard. I cant help it Ging." Gon looks at Ging "He's my only best friend." Ging looks at gon. Gon looks at the fire again.

"I want to talk to him again. And it's only been a day."

"Gon.. if he's your best friend you will see each other again. Don't worry." Gon smiles slightly

"yeah.. I promised"

Next Chapter - A year X apart


oh yeah, i hope you're liking the story so far! if your not then i sorry ;-;

what can i do to make it better?


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