Chapter 2: This Can't Be Happening

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The drawing is what Shadow drew. Enjoy!

Before the bell rang to go home, Mr. Wolfe said "Red hair. See me after class." I looked up at him and sighed. Rose leaned over and said "Remember, we have to workout in the volleyball room before practice starts." I nodded and finished my drawing. I heard Rose say "Shadow, that is beautiful."

I looked over at her as she stared at the drawing. I blushed slightly. The bell rang as I folded the drawing up. I walked over to Mr. Wolfe's desk and waited for the last kid to get out. Once the kid was out, Mr. Wolfe closed the door, and locked it...

He started walking towards me as I stood my ground. I heard my wolf, Chloe, chant 'mate' over and over again. I looked up at him as he towered over me. I'm 5'5 as he looked 6'3. He asked "That ring. Are you a wolf? I mean, it's not like wolves exist. I mean, not werewo-"

I giggled at his rambling and said "Yeah, I am." He looked at how close we were as his eyes turned black. Then, when he cleared his throat and stepped back a bit.

He said "So um, I noticed that you were drawing while I was going over the rules this year. You looked really into it so I didn't bother you. Can I see it?"

I sighed and took it out of my backpack. I handed it to him as he unfolded it. He looked up at me then back to the paper. He said "This is amazing."

I blushed lightly and I said "You can have it. I heard that it was your first day so. And can I go? I'm going to be late." He said "Yeah, yeah go."

I went around him and started running towards the Gym. I opened the door as everyone looked at me. Ms. Ella sighed and said "Sit down Shadow. Anyways, I know that this is the first day, we are going to see how everyone works together and in teams. So we are going to dress out and stretch."

Oh my gosh. We have to dress out?? Fuck. This can't happen.

I told you we shouldn't cut. I rolled my eyes and said back at her in my mind "I told you. Hard times. It's all in the past." Chloe huffed and laid down.

I started to walk towards Ms. Ella and Mr. Wolfe walked in. I said "Hey Ms. Ella, may I be excused? I'm not feeling so well." I felt Mr. Wolfe's presents (<I didn't spell it rightXD) by me.

Chloe did backflips as I rolled my eyes at her. Ms. Ella said "I know that isn't the problem. Know what is the real reason?" I felt tears form in my eyes. She looked at Mr. Wolfe, who looked confused. Ms. Ella started to lead me outside and said to Mr. Wolfe "When the girls come out, tell them to start stretching."

I looked back, which I shouldn't of had. His eyes held sadness, anger, and confused. I looked down as she opened the door. Ms. Ella took me to the bathroom. She said "Show me Shadow." I sighed and pulled up my left sleeve. Her eyes widen as she pulled me into a hug.

I mumbled "My thighs are worse." I heard her sigh as she said "Your gonna have to dress out some point Shadow. Go home." I smiled weakly at her as I followed her back to her room. I saw everyone doing their stretches. I walked over to where I laid my things down and took my phone out with my earbuds. Rose ran over to me and asked "Where are you going?" I said "Home."

She nodded as Ms. Ella yelled at her. I giggled as Rose shot a playful glare. I carefully walked down the stairs, almost falling a couple of times.

I put in my earbuds and walked to my favorite place to cool down. I took my earbuds out once I got there and laid everything down. I laid down on the green grass and listen to everything around me.

The place that I'm at has a lot of little waterfalls with flowers everywhere. After a couple of minutes, I heard a branch snap. I shot up and stood up. I looked behind me and smelled the air. I slowly took off my ring and zip it up in my pocket. A big, black wolf came out. It didn't look like any other wolf you would see. A walked towards me slowly, as I walked backwards slowly.

I saw hurt in the wolfs eyes, wait. I've seen those eyes somewhere. He sat down as I tilted my head. He tilted his head like me and I laughed. I slowly walked towards me and held out my hand. My hand came in contact with his head as I started to pet his big, fluffy fur. I sat by him as he laid his head in my lap.

I sighed and said "So, what's your name?" He looked up at me with a confused face. I giggled and said "Right. You can't talk. Can I name you?" He shook his head and I said "Hmmm. Your name shall be Cooper?" He nodded again and he sneezed. I tried my best not to laugh and looked at him.

Then, he put his nose on my sleeve, where I sometimes cut. I said "You can't tell anyone. Like your little wolfie friends." He nodded and kept his eyes on my arm. I sighed and kissed the top of his head. I raised up my sleeve and exposed most of my scars.

I saw Cooper's eyes widen and look at me. He looked back at my arm and licked it. I smiled and looked at the time. I quickly got up and kissed the top of Copper's head and said "I have too go. You can come with, but be careful. Me and my grandma are the only werewolves in our neighborhood. I have a shortcut, if you want to come with me." He nodded and I said "Well, turn around so I can change." He turned around as I took my ring off and let Chloe take over.

She started to chant "Mate" again when we were done. She put the ring in her mouth as we bumped Cooper, to tell him we we were finished. He turned around and wagged his tail as Chloe did the same. He licked our face and we started running.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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