Trouble In Paradise

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 " YOU'LL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS JESSICA!" A sasaeng screeched. I wince as they keep throwing rocks, feeling my forehead get cut with one. My manager rushes towards me, pulling me towards the van. Sunny's eyes widen as she looks at my forehead.

" You're bleeding!" She exclaims. I smile at her weakly before sitting in my seat.

" It's okay... I'll get used to this." I reply as Sunny glares slightly.

" No it's not okay! They don't even know you yet!" She mutters as our manager hands her a wipe. Sunny wipes the blood from my forehead, mumbling about how mean the sasaengs were. I smile slightly as the other girls ask me if I am okay. The entire ride was silent, the air felt thick with anger from my members. I look out the window, hoping that somehow things will get better.


" THEY DID WHAT?!" I immediately get pulled into a hug when I get home. Jonghyun is holding me close, spreading kisses around my face.

" I can't believe they'd do that to you!" Jonghyun said. Pictures, and a news article was published later today with the pictures of me bleeding. According to some of our fans, they're really mad that the sasengs got to me.

" Babe, I'm fine. It's only a scratch." I mumble against Jong's firm chest. He loosens up slightly, but doesn't let go entirely.

" I really hope that they don't do this again..." He said looking straight at me.

" It can't be helped. Sometimes people just don't like you." I said. Jonghyun stares at me in disbelief. I roll my eyes, but still hug him.

" C'mon let's make some dinner."


The next three weeks are hectic and I'm so tired. My members and I have just recorded a single called Party, and it's going to be released soon. For the next two weeks, we'll be on music shows. Lately I haven't been able to spend enough time with Jonghyun. He's been busy djing his radio show and with me recording and have dance practice, we haven't seen each other much. But when we do, he so clingy and I honestly love him for it. He's also been acting funny. Like he'll aways try to ask me something and then he'd say never mind.

" Jong! I made ramyeon!" I call. Since today is Sunday, the company gave us a break and Jong doesn't have to DJ tonight.

" Wahh, ramyeon made with love by my princess." Jonghyun said as he sits down. I gigle, setting down the boiling bowl of soup in front of him. Suddenly, my phone rings, seeing it's my manager I answer quickly.

" Hello?"

" Mia! I just got a phone call from the producers of We Got Married. They are asking you if you want to be on the show." My manager said. I grinned from ear to ear. I've always wanted to be on We Got Married! But I'll have to run it by Jonghyun to make sure he's okay.

" I'll let you know tomorrow. Thank You!" I said hanging up.

" What's going on?" Jonghyun asks, his eyes slightly narrowed.

" Oh, I'm wanted on We Got Married! Isn't that so cool!" I said excitedly. Jonghyun's face darkens.

" You can't go." He said flatly. My cheery mood deflates.

" Why not? It's just a show, and it's for fun. I'm not going to leave you for a fake husband Jong." I said. Jonghyun looks up at me, anger clearly in his eyes.

" Mia, it's still like being married to the guy. Why don't you understand that I don't feel comfortable with it?" Jonghyun said.

" Because you have nothing to be worried about! Do you not trust me or something?" I ask stubbornly.

" You're not going on that show."

"Yes I am."

" I SAID NO." Jonghyun yells. He stands up and walks to our bedroom, slamming the door behind him. I sigh, feeling a large lump form in my throat. He never yells at me, and when he does it scares me. I wipe a tear that escaped my eye, and sit down eating my bowl of soup. So much for clingy.  

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