Sophia Pov

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Her last tattoo  on her shoulder but the lettering says Buck.


Sophia Pov
He gave a twitch of his lips and said.

"Naw I'll watch him while ya cookin."
Momma gave him another smile and

said. "Are you sure Daryl?" He

nodded and then shooed her away.

"Yeah now go o. And cook I'm

hungry." Momma laughed while

going to our campsite. Mr. Daryl had

just picked up Buck when a voice I

recognised spoke up. "What the hell

are you doing with my son!" I turned

to look and see.."Perry!"

Perry Pov

I felt pain in my leg as I woke up. I

quieted my breathing and listened

for ant sounds. I heard people talking

but couldn't make out words. To my

right was a door that was in the

direction of her the voices from. To

my left I saw a little boy laying in the

bed looking at me. "Hi I'm Carl

Grimes." "Your part of Sophia's group

right." His eyes sparkled at the sound

of Sofia's name. "How did you find

her? Is she okay?" "Yea She is ok. I

found her in an abandoned house

hiding in a pantry." I stood up and

headed to the for despite Carl's

warnings. I stepped out into the hall

and into the hallway and walked

down to what look like a living room.

I feel so few sitting on a couch

giggling and a woman with short gray

hair and the slim body smile and

walk out of the house. I instantly

notice Buck. He had a bath and he

was wearing some new clothes that

made him look adorable. What really

caught my attention what's the man

holding my son he was tall about 5'11

(taller than me anyway). He has short

dark brown hair tan skin in arms

with muscles that you just wanted to

reach over and feel. He had to work it

hard worker look to him. As much as

you was a tractor he has my son and I

don't know him so I spoke up. "What

the hell are you doing with my son?"

Both the man and Sophia turned

towards me and the man froze.

Sophia was excited and ran to me

yelling my name. "Perry!" She Dave

me a hug and I gently moved her

aside and marched straight over to

the frozen man until Buck said.


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