Chapter 4: Blinding hunger in the midst of danger...meeting the boss!

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"Oh I will and I am." Ghost rasped. "And I think you mean if and not when." He gave a short chilling laughter.

"You think you're good at whatever madness you're running here huh? You think you're the only one that can mess with people's lives? Well, you're not."

Ghost looked incredulous. "Are you threatening me?"

"No. I'm promising you. Your day of reckoning is coming." Tanesha managed to look as threatening as she could in her current state of immobility.

"So dramatic." Ghost laughed.

"Oh yeah?" Tanesha sneered. "You can suck my dramatic dick, you reprehensible..."

"Okay, that's it." Bellowed an exasperated Ty as he snatched a duct tape from a not too shocked Shark and stormed towards Tanesha whilst tearing some of the tape. And then he was not so gently, taping her mouth shut.

Tanesha was however surprised at the look in Skull's eyes. It was a clear warning to her not to do anything stupid. But why would Skull warn her as if he cared what happened to her, Tanesha wondered. Was she reading too much into something that wasn't really there? Well, at least she'd been able to tell Ghost her piece and that was okay with her. She knew her friend, Caroline would have been proud of her if she were to be there that very moment, Tanesha would have smiled if she could. Caroline's own choice of words would make a sailor blush and she'd taught her well.

"There." Tanesha watched the relief and satisfaction on Skull's face. "Now, you can say whatever your stupid brain tells you to...behind that tape." Laughter met Skull's mocking words.

"What do you plan on doing to her, Skull?" Ghost rasped, staring at Tanesha. "You're running the show so you have to decide which punishment will be suitable." He turned to face Ty. "And it has to be good. I want her to feel pain." He turned to look at Tanesha. "My men here haven't been with women in a while. They would love a good fun. Maybe we will give her some lashes first, and then..."

Ty had to push both hands into his pocket to stop himself from throwing a punch. He looked at the eager faces of the trolls standing around and allowed a grin that didn't reach his eyes to widen his mouth.

"Lashing is definitely out of the question, Ghost. Until I send the first batch of pictures the day after tomorrow, I don't want any blemish on her. As for your men having fun, I have an even better plan. Come on, let's finish talking business. Then we can get to the fun part."

"Great." Ghost said moving outside onto the porch with Ty.

Tanesha watched them go and shivered with dread. For some reason she couldn't fathom, she didn't want Skull to leave her alone with the thugs. She saw Mickey sitting quietly in a corner of the room, watching TV. He would turn once in a while to look at her and from those brief looks, Tanesha could tell just how upset he was with her. Well, he could sulk all he wanted, Tanesha thought. She'd been looking out for herself. After all he wasn't the one being held against his will.

One of the thugs who came with Ghost came closer to Tanesha and began to run his fingers through her hair. She felt her skin crawl but didn't even flinch. At that point, she didn't really care what anybody wanted to do with her because there was nothing she could do about it.

"Damn, your hair is long." The thug breathed. "I thought it was artificial. I wanted to come rip it out." He suddenly gripped her hair painfully. "And you have such a smooth skin." He murmured, bringing out his tongue to lick Tanesha's cheek. "I can't wait to fuck you, bitch."

"I think you'll have to wait your turn, Jack." Mickey said quietly from right beside them, startling Tanesha. She'd tuned herself off to the extent that she hadn't seen Mickey move from his chair.

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