First Date

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So are you still picking me up at my office?' Ronaldo texted Lars while gathering paranormal hunting gear.

'Ya 7:00 right? And by office you mean lighthouse?'

'Yeah, hope you dress nice jk :,D '

'haha See you lata :,p '

The day before, after over three weeks of acknowledging a mutual attraction, after several casual visits to each others' house to play videogames, Lars and Ronaldo had decided they could have an official date. Nothing remotely fancy, just dinner and going to a movie together

Ronaldo then pocketed his phone, and hauling a huge backpack onto his shoulder, headed towards the exit door of his family's restaurant, "Peedee, I'm going out for a while, tell Dad I'll be back at the house late tonight if he asks!"

Before Peedee could answer, their father poked his head in from the hallway, "Tell me what?"

"Oh, I'm just going to do some investigating, and then going on a date afterwards, so I'll be back home late," Ronaldo shrugged casually, tucking his high-definition video camera under his arm.

"Alright, just- wait, did you say date?", his father looked at him, visibly surprised.

"Yes, date."

"Date? As in, with an actual person, in Beach City?", Mr. Fryman looked like he was in disbelief at the notion of his son on a date.

"Er...yes?", Ronaldo sighed, "Don't wait up."

Before he could turn on his heel to leave, his father clapped him on the shoulder, grinning proudly, "I didn't think this would be happening that soon! I was giving it another few years at least! I guess I don't give you enough credit, what with having the Fryman family charm and all. I can't believe it! Your first date!"

Ronaldo flushed, "Gee. Thanks, Dad. I'll see you later-"

"What time is your date?"


"Well I have to help you get ready right away then!", his father was getting more excitable by the second, ecstatic that his elder son was finally considered dateable.

"But Dad, I've got important investigative stuff to do, and this really isn't-"

"Oh come on!", his dad grinned, "I've been waiting for this moment for a long time! Granted, it was mostly because I expected Peedee to have his first date before you, but-"

"Dad!", Ronaldo huffed.

"Peedee, hold down the fort will ya? I need to get your brother some new duds!", Mr. Fryman gave a thumbs up to his younger son, who was holding back laughter at his older brother's frustration.

"Dad, you really don't have to do this," Ronaldo whined, "I had things to do today-"

"All your heebie jeebie stuff can wait, this is more important!", the man insisted, leading Ronaldo out to their car, "What's your date plan?"

"We were just going to get dinner and a movie-"

"Great! We won't need a tux, just a new shirt for you and a tie and some shoes-"

Ronaldo groaned as he reluctantly climbed into the back seat of the car, still not allowed in the front seat following what he would only call 'the incident' (how was he supposed to know the cigarette lighter was capable of lighting things on fire?), and sulked as his father drove to the nearest department store that was twenty minutes away. So much for investigating those caves in the woods.

Worth itOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora