I was only able nibble on my pizza since it had reached a point where no longer even tasted like pizza. Still hungry, I no choice but to discard it and finish getting ready. I made a mental note that I seriously needed to go out and get some more groceries , or even fresh takeout.

Back in my room I slicked my brown hair into a donut bun , to assure it would stay out of my face throughout the day and my curls would not frizz out. I took my time moisturizing my face and applied a light coverage  foundation along with some of my favorite mascara. Bronzer and highlight were added to make up for my simple outfit.  This cold weather kept my skin dry, not allowing me to opt for more full coverage like I preferred.

Giving myself one last look over in the mirror before I needed to leave, I made another mental note that I needed to spend a little more time on myself in the mornings, and get my eyelash extensions re-done. Despite the cold weather my skin stayed on the more tan side, and my eyes were more of a dull green. I lastly slipped on my black rain jacket and swooped my umbrella that sat ready for me by the door.

I grabbed my keys, wallet and badge, which allowed me to get into the med unit on our campus and headed to my parked car that sat in the garage near the apartment complex.

 The rain can't be that bad  I had told myself when I pressed the accept admission button to this university. 

I was forced to rush to my car as quickly as possible.(without slipping and breaking my neck). That was always a possibility of water was involved. Too many episodes of Untold Stories of The E.R taught me that.

Once I was snugly in my my car I blasted the heater and turned up the radio.

"Oh lover don't you dare slow down"
"Go longer you can last more rounds"

Satisfied with the song I was able to get on to the main road comfortably, but at wildly slow pace due to how slow everyone drove in the rain.

I've always had a small problem with speeding here in Seattle. I was from California originally (my family recently also moved to Washington) and without the constant rain, I was able to cruise down the road at a more steady pace than I was able to here. In California, no cop no stop we called it and everyone sped together so overall no one could get pulled over. 

So when I was singing rather loudly to "Motivation" I didn't notice the flashing blue and red lights behind me until I heard over an intercom "The black four door Ford Explorer, pull over"

I instantly turned down my radio a down and cursed my self looking for a place to pull over, that wouldn't flood my car since the gutters were high with water.

Finally I spotted a small shopping center with a few grocery store, so I quickly turned my blinker on and pulled into the nearest  parking spot huffing at the cop and myself. 

I pulled over and grabbed my license and registration and had them ready as the officer tapped on my window. I realized he was cute so I tried to sit up a little straighter , ready to charm my way out of this one. 

I so didn't want to have to call my parents and explain yet another ticket.

"Do you know how fast you were going?" The officer asked leaning his arms against my window, letting the rain inside of my car.

He was tall with dirty blonde/ brown hair, I couldn't be sure as he was soaking wet, making his hair darker that it would normally be. He was a bit thin, but you could see the lean muscle he carried on him through his uniform shirt that clung to him in the rain, since he didn't have his jacket zipped up.

"Um the speed limit?" I asked smiling trying to hopefully make him smile.

He was unamused and snatched my license out of my hands, making me groan internally.

"Do you know how dangerous it is to drive in these conditions as fast as you were going?" He commented in a rather harsh tone.

"I'm really sorry , I was just late to classes and I was trying to make it on time-" he cut me off as I tried to save my ass.

"So you making it on time was worth costing your life and possibly others?" He snapped.

I closed my mouth and crossed my arms, totally giving up the nice and flirty act.

I didn't want to argue with an officer, but he wasn't too much older than me and was being overly rude. Plus all I could honestly focus on is how he was letting rain getting into my car, and freezing the hell out of me.

"No need to be so rude." I muttered to myself in a bit of irritation.

His eyes snapped up to mine and tossed my license back to me and ripped off a ticket he quickly wrote.

"Have a great day Amelia" He sarcastically marked before walking back to his car.

I waited until he drove away and was back on the road before I myself pulled out and back into the direction of my school.

I cursed his rudeness, hoping he was cold from being out in the rain and hopefully I would never have to encounter him again.

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