**Chapter Five** Part 1

Start from the beginning

“Bout time,” Derek and Charlie muttered as we walked out of the studio. We went to his jacked up Black Chevy as he opened the door for me to the front and the back for Charlie and Chelsea. He got my bag and Chelsea’s and threw them into the back of the truck and got into the drivers side.

“I love you Ads,” he whispered in my ear, straddling over me. He looked in my eyes and I nodded as he started lifting up my dress to reveal the best night so far.

“I gotta get to class babe,” I whispered into his ear as he woke up and snuggled into me. He shook his head and kissed me.

“Ok, I’ll be here when you get back,” he smiled and kissed me once more before letting me get up. I dropped my feet onto the floor and put Derek shirt on and went to the bathroom and showered.

“I need your shirt babe,” I mumbled coming into the bedroom. Derek looked at me weird then went to his Nike bag and grabbed an A&F shirt, throwing it to me.

“You ok?” He asked coming to me and taking my hands, looking into my eyes. I nodded and leaned into his chest, just breathing in his smell. I hugged him and he rubbed circles on my back, kissing my forehead. He started mumbling things to me, calming me down from the stress.

“Babe what’s wrong, just tell me, please,” he pleaded. I looked into his eyes and saw how desperate he was.

“I just miss spending every night with you,” I said, tears coming to the surface of my eyes.

“I know, I miss you too, I missed what we always did. I know what you’re going through, if you want I’ll come live with you,” he mumbled into my ear.

“I don’t know Derek, you need to be near your parents, I love you but just talk to them, please?”

“Ok Ads, I love you,” he mumbled before giving me a quick kiss and going to the bathroom. I wiped the stray tear away and went to my closet and looked around for some shorts. I found a pair of white short-shorts and an orange Hollister vest like tank. I got a braided belt and put it on to match my outfit and some black converse. I got a necklace Derek had given me for our 5 month dinner date and the matching diamond stud earrings.

I threw my hair up into a ponytail and went back to the kitchen to see Derek on the phone. I looked at him and he ended the call before saying bye and coming to me.

“You look beautiful,” he said and smiled for kissing my cheek. I got an apple and went to the table to collect my book bag and books before going to kiss Derek goodbye.

“I’ll see you later in the week,” I smiled before kissing him again and going out the door.

“There you are,” Chelsea yelled running with Charlie in tow behind her. I smiled and nodded while she attacked me into a hug, then Charlie.

“I didn’t see you in any classes, where were you?” Charlie asked.

“I wanted to be alone,” I said quietly. They nodded and we went back to going to the dance studio. We opened the door and went to get changed in the dressing rooms before Mrs. Maddy got here.

“Yeah he called me this morning, sounded sexy with that voice.” Ivy laughed.

“Really, I thought he was dating that Johnson girl?”

“He is, but he can call me can’t he?”

“I don’t know, you think he would want you when he has Addie? I mean look at you, what you 10, he loves her not you.”

Who was that talking to her, but I turned around to be met by Charlie and not Chelsea and Charlie. Just Charlie that was smiling. I turned and saw Chelsea- arms crossed, glaring at Ivy and Ivy shocked like a fish out of water.

“Whatever, he will be mine,” Ivy snapped at me. I just smiled and shrugged going past her. She bumped as she went out to the studio to do conditioning.

“Don’t let her get you,” Chelsea smiled as she got changed in one of the curtained sections and Charlie went to the boys’ room. I nodded and went to change into my normal outfit.

I went out and saw Ivy talking to Mrs. Maddy and then went out of the studio. Mrs. Maddy clapped and we all started conditioning for the dance.

“Girl night ok?” Chelsea smiled dragging me to my car. I nodded as she tugged me along before my books fell.

“Could I have Adeline Johnson in the main office please, Adeline Johnson?” a voice said over the loud intercom. I looked at Chelsea my heart rate increasing as I’ve never been to the office.

“I’ll stay, you go,” she smiled and nodded with her head towards the building.

I just nodded and jogged to the office and opened the doors. I stayed still for a moment, trying to compose myself before going inside.

“There you are sweetie, the principle would like to see you in his office,” she smiled with sympathy as if she knew what it was about.

I nodded and followed my instinct back to his office and knocked before hearing his loud voice telling me to come in. I clicked open the door and smiled. “You wanted to see me sir,”

“Yes, it seems as if you have gotten into some trouble with another student,” He said, his voice intimidating.

“What, I don’t understand.” I said in complete shock.

“Addie, if I may, don’t act shocked. I saw the black eye you gave Ivy. That was unnecessary, she was just welcoming you to the dance team. So tell me why did you punch her?”

“What?! I did nothing! I swear sir, I would never do that,” I yelled. He balled his fist and breathed out of his nose before speaking again.

“There’s no denying it Adeline, you did what you did; now you have to do the consequences. This happens to be that you get suspended for 3 days, no school activities aloud, if you do then the scholarship is taken back and you are kicked out. This is your first strike, two more and you automatically leave, understand?”

I nodded, almost in tears as I got up and pushed my chair back in with it hitting the desk with a boom. ‘Oops,’ I smiled as I closed the door. My smile quickly went away as I neared Chelsea, she was leaning against the car, texting someone with a smile on her face.

“Hey, what happened?” she asked as she saw me.

“I got suspended for something I didn’t do. Ivy, she said I punched her and apparently gave her a black eye.” I said, a tear seeping out as she hugged me tight.

“Why cry hun?” she asked still hugging me.

“Because one I didn’t do it, two I have to miss school for 3 days, three I don’t get to do dance for that time, and I miss Derek,” I cried.

“I know, come on, let’s go get some ice cream,” she smiled as she wiped the makeup out from under my eyes. I nodded and got in the drivers seat and drove but thinking of one thing. Why target me? What did I do? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2013 ⏰

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