**Chapter Three**

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My alarm clock blared into my ear, making me jump out of my empty, cold bed. I reached over and cut my purple alarm clock off, which was too close to my bed in the first place. I turned on my small lamp because it is still dark outside, it is only six in the morning but I must meet Derek at 7:30 at the mall. Lifting up my phone from the nightstand I looked at the screen and saw Derek had texted me, and Kaden had called. Hmm, he never calls unless it is important, maybe I should call him, I thought to myself.

Clicking the missed call, it instantly called him. I looked around my room waiting patiently for him to answer my returned call. After about seven rings, it went to voicemail, so I just hung the phone up and set it on my iCraig dock. It blasted music all around me as I got out of bed and went to the balcony.

Humming along with the music and swaying back and forth, I unlocked the balcony and walked out. The breeze swirled around me, sending small shills through my body. A baby bunny hopped in the yard in search of its mom. Smiling I went back inside leaving the glass door open, and shutting the screen door.

I cut the music up a little louder and skipped to get my clothes. I had taken a shower last night, because I knew I would be too lazy to take one this morning. Quickly digging through my mall clothes, I found a Brooklyn sweat top. I went to my jeans and picked out some blue skinny jeans.

I slipped on my bra and underwear, pulling on my jeans I hopped around and yanked my shirt over my head. I quickly cut on my straightener, set it to the right temperature, and pulled out my makeup bag. I got my eyeliner pencil out and some foundation along with my eyelash boosting mascara. I got my foundation out and applied a little, then eyeliner, and lastly mascara.

I straightened the last little piece of my hair and set the straightener down, to brush my hair. It was actually pin straight today, which made my life easier, especially for dance tonight. I cut the straightener off and put all my things away, switching the light off and going back out to my room.

“Hmm, what shoes to wear?” I asked myself. Yes I know, oh this girl is weird for talking to herself. Well I am not; I just like expert advice sometimes. I looked through my shoes, finding nothing really that I like until I remembered my white converse downstairs. I swiped up my phone and purse, shutting the balcony door and went downstairs. I checked the clock as it told me I had an hour left, which means I took 30 minutes getting ready! As I reached the bottom step, I noticed dads office door shut. I quietly knocked on it before going in and seeing him asleep on the couch in there. I smiled and shut the door quietly and continued my journey to make breakfast.

As I opened the door to the fridge my phone started buzzing violently, telling me someone was calling. My guess was right seeing Kadens face appear on the small screen.

“Hello?” I said into the cold phone.

“Hey Addie, could I come with you and Derek to the mall?” He asked in his morning voice. Normal girls would say it is sexy for him, but I have a boyfriend that I love, a lot.

“Sure, did you want me to pick you up?” I said getting some eggs out of the side door of the fridge.

“Nah, I was gonna see if Tyler wanted to come if that’s ok?”

“Sure, I don’t see why you’re even asking, bring anyone you’d like. I gotta go though, I’m making breakfast.” I said setting the milk and eggs onto the island.

“Addie! I want to come eat at your house!” I heard Tyler yell. I laughed hearing him and wondering why they cannot go to McDonalds.

“That’s fine, bring Derek would ya?” I laughed as I ended the call, bacon, eggs, and toast would be fine today, maybe waffles also.

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