Chapter One~ Trying to Change

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Anna's P.O.V.

My name is Anna Lyn... I am a shadow mage, at the age of eighteen. My life... Hasn't been an easy one. At first, it was amazing. Then, disaster struck. It started when a dark mage with the name of Zeref entered my village. I was only a child of thirteen then. My little sister and I were playing around the village, as we always did. While we were playing around the wooded area of the village, my sister and I had noticed that all the trees were dying.

We were confused, and fearful. It was only the middle of the summer, so why should the trees be dying? We immediately ran to one of the village elders, explaining the situation. They seemed fearful, and told us to tell everyone to evacuate quickly. Yet everyone refused to leave their precious village, and their family behind. We all stayed.


A man with dark hair, and deep red eyes entered the village, and stared down most of the time. He felt... Dangerous. A select few in the village had practiced magic, I was one of the few. I gathered my shadows, so that if my family and I needed to, we could hide. As Zeref neared us, everyone in the small village grew quiet, and suddenly, all the village elders, my sister, and my parents all dropped to the ground. The man then looked to me. "Little child. For now, you are spared. The world has a set plan for you to follow. That is why I cannot kill you." With that, the tall man proceeded to walk past me. Tears brimmed in my eyes as I dropped to my knees next to my Mother, Father, and sister. "Mom! Mommy wake up!! .... Papa?! Akio?!" I looked at all of my dead comrades lying in random places throughout the entire village. I took a deep breath, and screamed. I then collapsed to the ground, screaming, and crying.

I laid there for what seemed to be hours. An eerie silence fell upon the forest. The wind seemed to freeze. I heard whispers, and looked up from my place on the ground. I shrieked, and got up only to fall backwards. A black mass stood in front of me. It laughed, and moved towards me. I realized that the mass... Was my shadow. It had been taken over by something, a demon. The shadow lunged at me, and wrapped around my body. It was choking me, cutting off all means of oxygen. I gasped, and struggled to get out of this shadows grip. My efforts were in vain however. My body soon felt heavy, and I fell to the ground. The shadow laughed maniacally. Soon I found my soul, trapped inside of my shadow. This demon had taken control of my body.

For five years... I had been stuck there, watching the THING in my body kill thousands of innocent lives. I watched powerlessly, as the demon took advantage of my magic. Yet it made my magic stronger.

The demon was wandering towards a city known as Magnolia. This would be my last day as a demon. I came across a very powerful Guild known as... Fairy Tail. They were waiting for me a few miles outside of Magnolia.

A pinkette spoke up, with a cocky grin. "So we just gotta turn her into the Council?! Psh! Looks way too easy if you ask me!"

A red haired girl spoke up. "Remember, there is a girl in there somewhere, do NOT harm her too much, and most certainly DO NOT KILL HER!"

A blackette smirked, and nodded. "You got it."

A blonde gulped, and looked at the red head. "What's her name?'


That name made me pause. I wanted to scream. But I remained there, trapped inside of my shadow. The pinkette launched himself at the demon, who made shadow bombs, and threw them at the boy, and they exploded causing him to fly back a few feet. Then the red head, shouted. "Re-Equip! Heavens Wheel!" The demon simply scoffed, and turned into a shadow, as the swords passed right through her. I gulped. The blonde seemed to be staring, and she had a look of sorrow in her eyes. As if she knew what was happening to me. The blackette laughed. "My turn now!!" he then sent a series of ice attacks towards the demon.

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