Chapter Twenty-three

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"Time to get up sweetie!" Casey came in my room and said softly. "We have to be at the dance studio for your rehearsal at 11:00! You have 45 minutes to get ready, that okay?"

"Yeaaaaaaah." I mumbled sleepily.

I groaned not wanting to wake up. Knowing I had to I yawned and stretched and slowly pulled myself out of bed. I plugged in my straightener and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was done I went back into my room and pulled on a pair of black soffee shorts and a red tank top. I straightened my hair and ran downstairs seeing it was 10:30.

I grabbed a banana and a glass of milk and sat at the table.

I looked up and saw Monica sitting across from me.

"Hey..." She said nervously.


"I know that we've hated each other for like ever...well, I hated you, you didn't hate me..but anyway...since we're going to be living together for quite some time, might as well be friends. And I totally get it if you don't want to be, I mean, I tried to steal your boyfriend and I can be such a brat at times, but Jesse talked to me and he was totally right about the things he said. I'm really sorry Ryan."

"Thanks Monica. Ya know, it would be really nice to be friends." I smiled and got up to hug her. Just then Jen came bolting down the stairs screaming of joy.

"RYAN RYAN RYAN! MY MOM JUST CALLED ME AND, AND, AND, AND, AND..." She said out of breath.

"Jen, use your words!" I shake her and laugh.

"A guy named Gerry from ABC Modeling Agency called her saying that he found saw pictures of you and me on twitter and he wanted to know if I wanted to MODEL FOR THEM!" She screamed so loud I'm pretty sure she woke up the neighbors down the street.

"Oh My Goshhhhh! Jen! That's awesome! What did you mom say?!"

"She agreed! And you know what the best part is?! The company is here in California so I can live here in LA! I don't have to go back to Pennsylvania!"

I grabbed her shoulders and we started jumping up and down excitedly. My best friend gets to stay in LA with me!

In the middle of our happy dance Casey came inside.

"Not to burst your bubble girls, but we got to get Ryan to rehearsals!" She said.

"Um, can I come with you guys?" Monica asked me shyly. Everyone looked at me.

I smiled and said "Of course." She smiled and we all piled into the car.

Today was Wednesday, which meant it was my last day of reahearsalbefore my concert. I'e never been so excited, yet so nervous in my life.

We pulled up to the dance studio at around 10:55. Good, I had 5 minutes before I had to get all sweaty and gross!

"Ryan!" Tracy called to me.


I walked over to her and gave her a big hug.

"Your concert is completely sold out! Isn't that amazing!"

I was in complete shock. My first concert ever? Sold out?! Jeez.

"That's freakin' awesome! I'm so excited!" I yelled jumping up and down like a five year old.

The dance instructor Leea came in then and we had to get started. It was 2 hours of hard work and sweat, but it was so fun! My background dancers were so nice and fun to be around.

"Great rehearsal today guys! Can't wait to see it all come together tomorrow!" Leea exclaimed.

We all clapped and I hugged everyone goodbye. I had 2 hours before I had to go work on the music video. It was going to be premiered in four days!

Tracy told me she was going to be at my house at 2:00 to get me tomorrow. We would have 2 hours to set up and have a last minute run through, meet and greet at 4:30 and I go on at 5:30. I was performing at the California Center for the Arts in front of about 5,000 people. Maybe even more since it was sold out! I was so excited!

Casey took me back home so I could get a shower and change before I had to go do Cody's video. I got out of the shower and let my hair air dry and put it up like I did last time. I didn't put makeup on and I just threw on an old t-shirt and jean shorts from Abercrombie. I slipped on my black converse and was ready to go. I headed downstairs to eat lunch and by thetime I finished it was time to go.

Jen decided to hang out with Alli while I was gone, so it was just Casey and I in the car. We talked about random things on the way there and arrived just in time.

The makeup people dragged me to my dressing room and did my makeup the same as last time. I put on my outfit and headed out to Cody.

"Hey!" He greeted me smiling.

"Ello!" I attempted a British accent and he laughed at my failure.

"We only have 3 more scenes to do then it's finished! We will probably get done today!" He sounded so happy!

"Yay! I'm so happy for you Codes!" I smile and go in to kiss him but unfortunately we were interrupted by the director saying to get in our places. We did as we were told and got done with the entire video and everyone cheered and congratulated Cody. Now all that was left to be done was edit some things and in four days everyone will be able to see it!

"I'm glad you I got to be your lead girl!" I say as we were walking out of the building.

"Got to be? You still are!" He said and pulled me closer putting his arm around my waist.

I smile up at him and say "Are you coming to my concert tomorrow?"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss it for the world!"

"Yay!" I kiss his cheek and we both got into Brad's car. Brad had to take me home since Drew was camping with some friends and Casey had to go to work.

Yet again, we both ramble on and on about fun it was and how excited we were for it to premiere.

We got back to Cody's house and we went inside. It was now 6:00 and everyone was hungry. Brad went outside to make steak while Cody and I ventured upstairs to find Alli and Jen. We found them making a YouTube video for Alli's channel. They were "singing" and jamming out to different songs, one of them being "Liar Liar" my first single.

Cody and I jumped in surprising Jen and Alli and started to "sing the first part of the chorus as loud and obnoxiously as we could.


By then we were all singing and even Anige and Tom joined in. When the song was over we were all pretty much in tears from laughing so hard.

After we recovered, we all headed downstairs to eat. We sat outside around the pool since it was a really nice day. In the middle of dinner Cody's cell phone rang. It was Tracy. We looked at each other confused and Angie gave him permission to answer. He went to the side just out of earshot of everyone else.

Five minutes later he came back with the biggest smile ever.

"What did she say?!" I ask him anxiously.

"Guess who's opening for Ryan Sarnelli's first concert?!" I jumped up and hugged him and everyone laughed.


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