She let out a loud distressed groan, but it was inaudible due the deafening sound of music. She rolled over onto her back and looked up at the pointed ceiling. "I have to get out of here..." She muttered to herself.  She looked up at the huge throne of the frozen human statues where Bill sat, still in his human form.

  He laughed, taking a sip from his punch before looking at (Y/n). He gave her a soft look of sympathy before flying over to her. "Aww don't look so upset, dear. I'm only doing this to protect you." He told her, lifting her chin up with his finger. 

  Tears filled her eyes, but she was careful not to let them spill. "How is this supposed to protect me?" she asked, her voice shaking. Bill leaned in, his face barely an inch from (Y/n)s.  "It's quite simple my love. If I keep you here, nobody like Pinetree can take all these opportunities away from you."

  "What opportunities?" She asked, gritting her teeth.

  "The opportunity of becoming the queen of the earth! Isn't that what you want? Anyways I have some important work to attend to. In the meantime, enjoy the party!" He said, snapping his fingers. In a matter of seconds Bill disappeared. 

 (Y/n) groaned again and laid on the ground, her chains making a loud clanking  noise.


"(Y/n)?" A familiar voice asked. (Y/n) looked up from where she sat. "Gideon?" She asked. There Gideon was, his arms held behind his back. Key-hole and Teeth were holding his hands together, as Gideon struggled for freedom.

  They pushed Gideon down next to (Y/n) and walked away. "What happened to you?" (Y/n) nearly yelled so Gideon could hear her over the music. "It's a long story, but I don't have time to explain. But why do you have that dress on?" Gideon asked. (Y/n) looked down at her dress skirt and ripped part of it only to find it mending itself so it looked good as new.

  "Bill made me wear it. He wants me to marry him so I can become his Queen..." She sighed. Gideon nodded. "So then why did he lock you up in these chains?" He asked, trying to untangle to rope around his hands. "He told me that it was the only way he could keep me away from everyone else. So that I can't be taken away from him." She explained glumly.

 "Oh...lucky for you, I think I might have an idea on how to escape." He said, hopefully. (Y/n) lit up. "How?" she asked. "There's a bobby pin in my hair. If you pull it out, I think you can use it as a lock pick on one of the locks on your shackle." He told her.

 (Y/n) nodded, pulling the bobby pin out of Gideon's hair and bit on it, pulling of one of the little plastic beads at the tips. She took it and stuck it inside the key hole of one of her shackles. She shook it around a little bit until the band let go of one of her wrists. Gideon looked around to make sure none of the monsters was watching them.  

(Y/n) then freed herself from the other three shackles and began to untie Gideon. Once he was free, the began to sneak away. They stood at the wide open entrance and looked down at Gravity Falls. They were really high up.

  Once they were at the entrance, a monster spotted them. "Hey! There getting away!" It shrieked. All the monsters froze and ran after them. "What do we do?" Gideon panicked. (Y/n) gulped. "We jump." She said. "W-what?! Are you insane? We'll get killed!" He screamed. "We're just gonna have to take that chance then." She told him, gripping onto his hand.

 Gideon took a gulp before her gripped hers. "Now!" He yelled, right before they jumped. (Y/n) and Gideon both shut their eyes as they fell. (Y/n) was scared she wouldn't keep the promise she had made Dipper. She told him she would come back.

  They were closer and closer to the ground each second, but they still both held hands. Right when they nearly hit the ground, they stopped. In midair. Gideon slowly opened his eyes to find the ground inches away from his face. "What happened?" He asked. "I-I don't know..." (Y/n) replied. Then she opened her eyes to see her crystal heart necklace glowing.

 "No way..." She said. Gideon's eyes widened. "I-it's just like my old amulet! Try setting us down gently." He told her. (Y/n) thought the command and it happened. "Okay.. try and float." Gideon instructed once he got back on his feet. (Y/n) nodded and thought of floating. Her feet rose a few inches from the ground.

 "This is amazing!" (Y/n) said happily. Gideon laughed. "OK, so now we have to find the others. Do you think you can make a force field around us to protect us?" He asked her. "I think so..." She said, thinking as hard as she could until a big blue bubble formed around them.

  "Hey look! We can go to one of the abandoned clothes stores and get you out of that thing." Gideon suggested, pointing to one of the stores where (Y/n) had broke the glass window panes. "OK. Let's just hope there are no monsters." (Y/n) said as she and Gideon pushed the huge bubble around. it was like being in a big hamster ball. (Y/n)'s thoughts drifted back to her favorite stuffed hamster toy that she had left back at home.

  She shook her head. She had to focus on this mission now. 

 The duo squeezed the bubble into the door and finally they were in. (Y/n) made the bubble pop and they scattered throughout the store. (Y/n) found a nice pair of shorts and a yellow tank top and went to the dressing room. She took off the dress and but both garments on and looked into the mirror.

  "No..." She whispered as the clothes she had liked so much changed back into the beautiful but terrible dress Bill had put her in. She sighed as she slumped out the dressing room. Gideon looked up from a clothing rack. "Why are you still wearing the dress? You don't have to pay for anything here." He said. (Y/n) nodded. "I know, but when I put my other clothes on, they just turned back into the dress." 

  Gideon dropped the clothes he was holding. "Well, I'm assuming the Pines got out the bubble since it's not there anymore. We can go look for them. Then you can see Dipper again, right?" He asked, trying to comfort her. (Y/n) could tell comforting was not something he was good at, but at least he was trying. 

  "We should go to the Shack. That's the first place Dipper and Mabel would go." (Y/n) said, forming the bubble around the both of them again. Gideon and (Y/n) began to roll the ball to the entrance and squeezed back out through the door. 

They were now headed to the mystery shack.




I'll update tomorrow most likely



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