Chapter 16

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   "Ghost-eyes, stop the car." (Y/n) commanded. Ghost-eyes, Gideon and (Y/n) had been driving through the ruins of Gravity Falls for the past few hours in hopes of stopping Bill's eyeball bats from reaching Mabel's bubble. 

 Gideon turned around in his baby seat and look at (Y/n). "Are-are you sure?" He asked, doubt flickering through his eyes. "Yes, I have a plan. Now let me out!" She repeated. Ghost-eyes unlocked the door and (Y/n) opened it. 

  "Bye guys. Don't get yourselves killed." She told them, her face serious but laughter glowed through her eyes. "Bye (Y/n)." Ghost-eyes and Gideon said in unison as (Y/n) stumbled onto the street. She took a big gulp as Ghost-eyes drove off, leaving her by herself.

  She was terrified. What if her plan didn't work? But she had to. For the sake of the world. 

  She took another gulp before making as much noise as she could, hoping to get Bill's attention in the fearamid. She stomped on the ground, banged trash can lids together, and even smashed store windows in with her bare hands. She got a few cuts on her hands and blood began to trickle down her arms.

 She winced and pain but tried to ignore it, still making tons of noise. Finally, she saw something fly out the fearamid. It was Bill. His body was scarlet red, his bow tie and hat pure white. (Y/n) trembled in fear. Was she going to die because of him? She quickly ran and hid behind a trash can.

  "WHO IS IT?" Bill's voice thundered, echoing throughout the whole town. "SHOW YOURSELVES." He turned to the trash can where (Y/n) hid. She shook violently, knowing she had been spotted. Bill lifted the trash can telekinetically to reveal a shivering (Y/n). Blood still dripped from her arms, her clothing was ripped, her hair was a rat nest, her crystal heart necklace cracked and tears streamed from her eyes. 

  "(Y-y/n)?" Bill asked, returning to his natural, yellow color. (Y/n) nodded, not being able to speak. Bill snapped his fingers, turning into his human form. "I didn't mean to scare you," He said, his voice still loud. He lifted her up with his mind and snapped his fingers again, healing her cuts and her necklace. 

  He gave her a new outfit, a yellow dress with a black peter pan collar. There were black lines on it that looked like the bricks of a pyramid. He had her hair pulled up in a high ponytail with a black headband with a small top hat on it.

 "There we go. You look beautiful." Bill smiled, setting her down. (Y/n) twirled around in the dress, wondering what Dipper would think. 'He would probably think I'm a traitor...' She thought, hoping Bill wouldn't be reading her mind. Thankfully he was not.

 "Thank you, Bill" She muttered, observing her the necklace. Bill nodded. "Now, let's get you to your castle." He smirked, lifting her up again. "W-what do you mean castle?" (Y/n) stammered. Bill laughed. "You see (Y/n) my dear since I rule this world, you are to be my Queen. It's as simple as that." 

  (Y/n)s eyes widened. He expected her to marry him! She was far to young for this and besides, what about Dipper? Bill rolled his eyes. "You don't need to worry about stupid ol' Pinetree anymore. Plus, in my world, you're never to young for anything."  

 He obviosly had been reading her mind. 


  (Y/n) tried not to cry. Bill had her in chains in the fearamid while he and his monsters partied. Heavy metal bands gripped her wrists and ankles. Each band was linked to huge metal blocks that held her to the floor. Bill made this to make sure that she would never escape from him. 

  She knew not even Dipper would be able to save her from this mess, but she decided it would be better to accept her fate, rather than fight it. She laid down on the ground, looking utterly defeated. The whole pyramid was hot and stuffy,  making it harder to breath. The loud sound of rave music pounded through her ears. 

What have I become? (Bill x Reader x Dipper)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz