1 / candy pincher

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: candy pincher
i am eggcite for this book hoho. let's hope i actually complete it

The salesgirl sitting behind the counter is a tall, lanky teenager in an ill-fitting Candy Empire polo and denim booty shorts. She's leaning back in her tilted chair, which is balanced against the wall, with her knees propped up against the counter. Her chestnut brown hair is up in a tiny ponytail and her lips are painted a shade of purple so bright that it catches my attention even from this distance.

She's blatantly slacking off during shift, dark eyes glued tight to the screen of her handphone, earbuds in, jaws snapping away at her gum.


Snap. Snap. Snap.

The sound alone is enough to drive me half crazy.

I watch her closely, noticing that her eye bags are pretty intense. She's probably a college student who hasn't been getting enough sleep. I mean, honestly, she looks ready to doze off any moment right now, if not for the glaring screen in front of her.

I walk down the colourful candy aisle for the millionth time, pretending to be interested in the array of sweets on the top shelf, when actually, I'm just keeping a look out for security cameras. Unsurprisingly, there are none. Just a convex mirror that is evidently less interesting to the salesgirl as compared to the video she's watching.

I step out from behind the shelf to check once more that she isn't looking, and when I'm absolutely sure she's not, I slip a pack of spearmint gum into my Marc Jacobs handbag, followed by three Reese's bars.

The rush of adrenaline kicks in and gets my blood racing. Gosh, I've missed this feeling.

My hand is still in my bag when I catch sight of another customer appearing at the end of the aisle through my peripheral vision, so I disguise my actions by pretending I'm rummaging for my wallet, not once glancing up. My fingers brush against the buttery leather exterior and I pull it out smoothly, flicking my hair out of my face.

Blindly, I grab a Snickers bar – which I am actually going to pay for – and make my way to the counter, an easy smile on my face paired with confident body language.

The salesgirl takes a second to notice I'm standing right in front of her and she yanks her earbuds out, giving me an apologetic grin. Neon pink braces span both rows of her teeth. "Sorry. Didn't see you there."

Didn't see me pinching candy either.

"No problem." I smile an easy smile and hand her the Snickers bar, which she scans and dumps in a little plastic bag. I take the orange bag from her brightly manicured hand and pass her the only note in my wallet. "Keep the change."

She smiles.

I stroll out of the store and into the golden haze of late afternoon sunshine.

Works every time.

I shove down the guilt that's bubbling in the pit of my gut and ignore my conscience, even though it's screaming at me. It's not even like I took something worth a lot, anyway.
I just happened to be out of cash and if I desperately need sugar in my system.
Lots of it.

The sun is toasty on my skin, despite the low temperatures that chill the breeze brushing past me. I've been out exploring the neighbourhood the entire day, popping into stores right and left and shopping and talking to people.

There's a little beach about ten minutes away from my new house, along with a deserted but infinitely peaceful pier. I walked along the beach for a while and got sand in my shoes, so I decided to go somewhere else.

I take a nice leisurely stroll, familiarising myself with the layout of the neighbourhood. It's very different from back home, where the famous San Francisco roads slope all over the place.

Over here it's so serene. Quiet. Beautiful.
The trees are tall and leafy and offer generous shade. The roads are old but well-paved and hardly marred, save a few tiny cracks in the tar here and there.

My neighbourhood is situated on a gentle hill, and it's full of huge, beautiful houses which are really just short of mansions.
It's crazy.

I guess mine is no exception, but I'd like to think its looks a lot more like a home than most of the other monstrous forts.
They loom in front of me as I enter the estate, and I pass palace by palace by palace till I reach my own.

I could get used to life over here.

Slipping an icy hand into the pocket of my knitted grey cardigan and pulling out my keys, I make my way up to the massive front gate.

how do you feel about petty theft?
and YAY you clicked this story and i love you for it :>

(pls vote and comment. i'll love u even more heh)

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