"Our territory is being invaded by the Black Forest Pack."

Xavier and I looked at each other and both knew who was behind this.

.... Nick.

Nick's POV

Once we arrived at Greenwood pack I knew that we had to be smart about attacking. All I wanted to do was quietly go into his land, take what was mine and leave with no trace behind. It was simple really all I needed was a few of my men to distract all the warriors while me and a few of men went to steal Clarity. 

As I was closing in on the Alpha's house I noticed a silhouette pacing back and forth and I knew for sure it was Clarity. As smart as Xavier is he should have realized that I would have planned better than to just attacked the whole pack. I motioned to my men with me to keep watch while I went up to get her. With my werewolf strength I was able to easily jump on the roof without her hearing me below. It was time to put my real plan into action. 

Clarity's POV

I can't believe Xavier wouldn't let me go with him.. All I can remember is the fight we just had.


"Xavier I'm coming with you."

"Clarity... no your not if something were to happen to you I would never be able to forgive myself."

"Xavier.. I'm not a weak little pup.. I was the top of my class and I can handle myself.."

"Clarity stop arguing you are to stay up here and that is final!"

"No i'm not going to stop arguing because what if something happens you YOU?" emphasizing the you.

"I'll be fine Clarity i'm the strongest Alpha there is."

"ya but Nick trained you he knows EVERYTHING about you."

"Not everything" he growled and left the room without another word." 

End Flashback

how can he be soo ignorant. It irritated me so much, I can't believe he wouldn't let me fight. If he were to die I wouldn't be able to live without him or live with the fact that there wasn't anything I could do, because he locked in this room. 


"Nick??? what are you doing here?"

"I'm coming to take what's mine you little bitch, how dare run away from me and think I wouldn't come back to get you?"

"I'm not going with you, your sick and gross."

"well my queen you don't seem to have a choice in whether your coming with me or not."

"yes I do and don't call me that!" I shifted into my wolf because each time he opened his mouth my wolf got closer and closer to the surface. I thought it would be a good move, but then Nick shifted into his huge black wolf that was a lot bigger than mine. I wasn't going down without a fight though.

I knew he was waiting for me to strike so the first thing I did was run into him, once I ran into him I saw that he fell out the window. I looked down and saw him lying on the ground. He didn't look to happy. In fact, he looked like he had steam coming out of his mouth. 

All of a sudden he started barking order and out of no where two tan wolves came down from the roof and pushed me out the window. I landed with a thud and it even as a werewolf the pain was immense. Nevertheless, I quickly got up and got into a fight stance.

you know your not going to win princess. 

I'm not going to go down without a fight asshole and stop calling me those names! 

And with that he leaped into the air trying to grab my neck, but I was too fast for him and dodged him right away but I didn't see the other wolves as they pounced on me and pinned me down.

Nick shifted back to his human and pulled out a needle. 

"I wish I didn't have to do it the hard way my queen." he said while shaking his head.

In the time that I had I quickly mind linked Xavier: Nick Has me. Help! I love you so much and I know you'll do anything to get me out of this situation.

As soon as I sent the message I felt the needle prick my neck and I started to feel woozy and blacked out from whatever was in that needle. All I knew was that from here on out. I would do anything to get back to my mate and I would fight my way through anything this jackass threw at me.




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