Mine to Protect

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Hello everyone and thank you for clicking on my story. First off I would like to warn you that I am extremely impulsive and inconsistent (a horrible trait, I know) so I may end up writing a chunk of this story in a few days and then nothing for a month. Well, hopefully not a month... ;)

Anyway, thanks for reading my little note, and I hope you enjoy the first chapter.

Oh and excuse the whole "Why me? Nobody loves me" thing going in this chapter, Im just channelling my own feelings at the moment as I am now the ONLY single girl out of ALL of my friends ;( Sad I know... :P But whatever.

This Chapter is Unedited

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The red and white churning together, hypnotising me into relaxing for five entire seconds in the centre of this loud, sweaty, over packed nightclub.




"Aria! You loser! Get your ass over here and dance with us!" Someone yelled, interrupting my meditation and brining me back into this moment of heavy beats and sleazy men. I looked up with a feeling of remorse setting over me at the loss of my respite from this scene.

What is wrong with me?

How can I not enjoy going out to clubs and dancing the weekend away, with my internal engine running on nothing but alcohol.

Why am I not like my friends?

I glanced around, trying to find my friends.

 All six of them.

And I made seven.

The seventh wheel, oh joy!

Why does it seem like everyone is starting to pair off in my life? My three best friends have finally found someone that they want to go exclusive for. No more sleeping around with loosey goosey's for those three!

Argh, why couldn't I have fallen for one of them. It would have been absolutely perfect. I mean, why else hang out only with guys if you're not going to get a relationship out of it? Well there is the whole no bitchiness thing that guys do, and I am used to guys since I have older brothers, but whatever... Wasn't I good enough for one of them?

I mean I know they love me and I love them, but why couldn't it be in a less platonic way? Why didn't I have stronger feelings for any of them? Why wasn't I attracted to them? I mean, they were all gorgeous in their own ways.

 Blaine was the genius of the group, we only just graduated from high-school last night and already he is being hounded by an internationally famous company to join its management team. He wouldn't though, he is content to stay in school a few more years, already being accepted to Sydney University to study a joint degree of science and business with a major in languages... NOTE THE S at the end of that, he was planning on studying Japanese, French and Arabic. Sometimes I wish I had his brains. But then I remember that I don't have the dedication to do all the hard work that comes along with them. Blaine has short light brown hair, fair skin and hazel eyes. And although he is the shortest out of his best friends, he still towers over me at 6'1.

Erik was the playboy, officially reformed now but he still had the habit of acting like a charmer around the girlies. Even without trying. He could have the waitress around his little finger with the simplest smile, but only when his girlfriend wasn't around. When she was around, he only had eyes for her, acting like everyone else were insignificant translucent ghosts that had been muted. He has longish dark brown hair, a nice tan, bulging muscles and green eyes. He stood at 6'4 and was tallest in our group, but still average height for my family.

And Lucas, was my personal favourite, although I would never admit this in case it upset Erik or Reid. He could entertain me with a post-it note and an apple. He was just one of those guys that was blessed with a suburb personality that made everyone around him relax and unwind. I had never, ever seen him get angry or even shout. He was too kind-hearted. He had golden blonde hair that fell in waves down around his face, reaching his shoulders, light blue eyes, a light tan and an athletic body standing at 6'2.

I paid little attention to their girlfriends, trying to block them from my life in an attempt to stop the pain I felt when I remember that I am the only one alone. All I know is they all have varying shades of blonde hair. Whereas I do not. My hair was the darkest brown, almost a raven black until you see it shine in the sun and its reddish-brown tint can be seen. It fell down my back to an inch above my waist in soft curls. I had always loved my hair, it was the one thing that reminded me of my mother no matter where she was.

I had grown up in boarding schools, my parents believing that you should be allowed to discover yourself away from the family. And they felt that boarding schools allowed you to develop that independence. Yet my fondest memories of growing up don't take place at one of my many boarding schools, they took place during the Christmas holidays when my brothers and I all went home.

Home didn't necessarily mean a house we had lived in all our lives. No such house existed. Our parents moved every two months, and neither me nor my brothers were allowed to stay with them for more than six weeks. Not since we reached the age of 5 when we could be sent off to boarding school. It was all for security. My family were hunted. Had been hunted since before I was born. It is all I have ever known... the constant school changes, new phone numbers to remember and always being on guard. And it wasn't just for our own survival, it was for the survival of our entire race. You see, we are not humans. We are not real, according to your scientists. So how is it that we breathe, eat, laugh?

We are not human, well I guess partly human.

We are wolves.

Mine to ProtectWhere stories live. Discover now