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I opened my eyes to the bright sun coming through my drapes and I let out a big yawn and stretched my arms across my body. I look to my side and Missy isn't there anymore, where'd she go? I sit up and take my ponytail out and see on my desk there is a note. I pull the covers off me and slowly walk over to the note, "Jamie, Thanks for last night, I really appreciate it.. I think for now I just have to be alone, let me call you first.. Thanks again, love you." She wrote me and I sighed to myself and threw the paper in the trash and grab my phone and walk down stairs. 

I go to the TV and go to one of the music channels and blare the music and nod my head to the beat to a Justin Moore song and walk over to the kitchen and grab all of my measuring tools, because I'm making myself some french toast! As I get my breakfast ready I watch the horses in the pasture chase each other around, and I see Sitka watching them, she's envious. 

I probably made to much batter for me, but I could always call Luke to come over, nah I'll eat them later. I grab the remote as one of my favorite songs comes on, Strip It Down, by Luke Bryan. I blare the music even more and stir my batter. I move my hips slowly to the song and play with my hair, I don't wanna let you go. No, not tonight. I just wanna love you so bad, baby. So lets close our eyes, and strip it down, strip it down. Back to you and me like it used to be.." I sing as I slowly dirty dance by myself, and it just makes me think of Luke.. 

I just imagine us having a good time and then we just look at each other and it turns serious, a sexual serious. He slowly walks to me and grabs me and pulls me into him and we start to romantically kiss, and his hands are on my lower back, but one goes up to my dress zipper and unzips it, making me shiver. And then his hands slid up my dress and to my shoulders and start to slid my dress off me, then we s-what the heck? My music stopped playing and I turn around to see a Mr. Anderson there, trying to hold in a laugh. 

I feel all the blood rush to my face and I can I'm as a red as mad chicken. I look down at myself and I have a real short long tee shirt on and a cheekster, why didn't I hear him come in? I run my fingers through my hair, making a comb over. He looks me up and down and smiles more, "What do you do when I'm not here?" He says and rest his lower arms on the island counter, leaning down, highly amused by this situation. I stomp my foot and run to the stairs and to my room and change. 

I come down shortly in some shorts and the same shirt, but with a different bra. How did he even get in?  As I am coming down the stairs I am putting my hair into a ponytail, "How did you get in here?" I ask him coming into the kitchen and he looks at me. 

"I know where your key is." He says and pops a grape into his mouth. I return back to the fron of the stove and dip the bread into the french toast batter and then put it on the hot pan and wait for it. 

"Thanks for the heads-up." I say with a fake smile and he returns it and I roll my eyes. "What are you doing here anyways?" I ask him and flip the bread up to the other side. 

"Wow, I feel your love..." He jokes and I shake my head, "Did you get a haircut?" He randomly asks me and I turn to him with a smile, wow he noticed. 

"Ya, I'm surprised you noticed." I snicker and look at him again and he just stares at me. 

"I could notice anything different on you, if one eyelash was longer than the other one or if you combed your hair." He says and I'm shocked, I guess I would notice too with him, because I stare at him a lot.. Is that a bad thing? 

"I know you could." I say and lean across the counter and kiss his cheek. "So to answer my question?" I say and put the first piece of french toast on a plate and slid it over to Luke, with a fork also. 

"I have the whole day planned out for us." He says and then puts some syrup on his french toast, and I started on mine. 

"When don't you?" I say and he sends me a fake smile, just like I did to him, he's so adorable.  

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