Chapter 47

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Dragon Protocol

I was awakened by the sound of alarms blaring and footsteps flooding up and down my hall, I immediately got dressed as Tom filled me in.

"It seems that an attack of the Omega Tetrad is underway, multiple unidentified cruisers and fighters of unknown faction have been sighted as the source of the attack."

After I was done getting dressed I shot tom a question as Sarah flashed through my mind, "Wait, the Omega Tetrad is in The middle of Alliance space, who would be dumb enough to attack?"

"I'm running analysis on data from the area, multiple cruisers are reported missing by alliance space tracking but all outposts report all clear..."

I walked out my door and TOM pulled up a notification from the commander saying that I was to report to the engineering bay. I started in that direction before sending him another question, "You think it was a raid? That they hijacked the outposts and sent a false signal?"

"I find that it is most definitely a possibility, at this point there are too many unknowns to be certain."

I sighed and rode down in the elevator and into engineering, expecting to be working on making sure defensive cannons were up and operational, but when I got there, I found myself looking at something much, much cooler...

Pix walked up, "You like her? We call her Project Dragon, and when she's put into the field it's classified as The Dragon Protocol. She's not quite fully functional but she'll blow up those fighters like a match to the wind, effortlessly."

"Who pilots her?" My voice came out husky, like I was sad to see it and know I wasn't the one to fly it.

And then pix said, "You are of course."

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