“You know, er, at the party. I was, um, really drunk, and I can’t remember if I said anything bad, but if I did say anything, like, I’m sorry.

“You didn’t” Louis blurts.

“Right” they stare at each other for a moment, and Louis regretfully realises how awkward this is. He thinks wistfully of a couple of nights ago, when it had been so exciting talking to Harry; but also so comfortable.

And then to his surprise, instead of leaving, Harry sits down next to him, adorable smile on his face.

“So why are you still here?” he asks curiously.

Louis can feel his cheeks warming from Harry’s gaze. He looks down, licking his lips nervously. It’s harder now, he realises; talking to Harry. When it’s not in the dark and there isn’t so much noise around, because those things had acted a bit like a safety net for him, and he feels uncomfortably bare in the light of day now.

“I, um, waiting for Zayn” he says, voice soft and low, eyes flickering around nervously, though all he wants to do is fix them on Harry’s face.

“You drive him home?”

Louis nods in response, deciding he should probably just try to speak as least as possible, because it’s always embarrassing when he does.

“Oh” Harry frowns for a second, and though he prefers it when Harry is smiling, he thinks the way Harry’s lips purse is quite beautiful.

He watches as Harry bites his lips, nose wrinkling as his head tilts to the side. He doesn’t say anything for a second; instead he pops a tic-tac in his mouth as he silently appraises Louis.

It’s nerve-wrecking.

“Are you guys..together?” He asks slowly, leaning forward slightly to catch Louis’ eye.

Louis sucks in a breath startled, he can smell Harry’s breath, he’s so close; It’s sweet and fresh and cool and it doesn’t do anything for the way his cheeks are burning in embarrassment, having never expected to be asked that question. Especially not by Harry. Oh god.

“What?” he chokes out, wishing very much he was anywhere else at this moment.

Harry is still looking at him curiously, though he seems to take pity on him once he sees Louis’ reaction.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable” he smiles apologetically.

Still, there’s not much he can say at the moment, voice clogged in his wind pipes.

“I-I should go” he stands up, hands fluttering around as he gathers his stuff.

“Wait, hey I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it” Harry looks at him in surprise, probably at his sudden rush to leave, Louis thinks.

“No it’s fine. I should go wait outside” It surprises him that in his hurry to leave, he doesn’t stutter, but he’s thankful for it, just wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.

Harry however doesn’t seem to understand that, standing up and sprinting to catch up with him.

“Wait, I’ll come with” he smiles lop-sided and the sight makes Louis’ stomach flutter, like there’s something cold flickering around inside him, and causing goose bumps to erupt on his skin. He suddenly wishes for that line that separated the two of them, so he could back to watching Harry from afar without having Harry’s attention suddenly zeroing on him. And yes, he is quite aware that’s a very cowardly thought.

“How was the rest of you week-end then?” Harry asks, and Louis is relieved he let the subject of Zayn drop, but he’s also blushing again because what could he possible say, that Harry wouldn’t find incredibly boring and weird? Harry was goofy and happy and exciting and Louis wasn’t. He spent his week-ends reading or watching movies or looking after his little sisters. Harry spent his week-ends going out on dates or with friends, hanging out together in that cool easy way Louis thinks he’ll never understand, and he’s well aware of the differences between the two of them.

“It was alright” he mumbles, heaving a relieved sigh once he sees Zayn walking in their direction, gaze moving from Louis to Harry and back again.

“I…I have to go” he says quickly opening the door of the car.

Before he can slam it shut however Harry says, “ok. See you tomorrow then?” smiling hopefully at Louis, and for the life of him, he can’t find it in himself to say no. So instead he nods, switching on the car once Zayn gets in.

Harry throws a quick “hey Zayn” before smiling sweetly at Louis, and stepping back away from the car.

Louis drives away with the image of Harry popping another tic-tac in his mouth in his rear mirror.

The five senses (Larry Stylinson AU)Where stories live. Discover now