“Harry, he’s just a customer.’’ I reasoned, trying to make him loosen his grip. But my statement only made it worse, he pulled me closer to him and I hit my stomach on the edge of the table. His dark eyes bore into mine, leaving me nothing but paralyzed.

“Well, it doesn’t seem like it!’’ He spat, earning the attention of a few customers at the shop. “You’re going home right now.’’

I tried to pull my hand away from him, but failed. “But-’’

He cut me off by pulling me away, dragging me out of the coffee shop. We caught a lot of people’s attention and some gave me apologetic looks.

He dragged me into the streets, not caring if we caught too much people’s attention. “Harry, please stop!’’ I pleaded as he forcefully pulled my hand away. He turned around and slapped me really hard, causing me to fall to the ground. He violently dragged me up, creating a cracking sound but he didn’t care.

We found his large black car parked along the street. He opened the door and shoved me in, causing me to hurt my back. He jogged in front of the car and soon he was in the driver seat. He closed the door with a loud slam. He turned to me with the scariest expression on his face.

“When did I gave you the right to flirt with other guys?!’’ He growled while he gripped my hair. I winced in pain and let a few tears fall from my eyes.

“I’m not flirting, Harry. I’m just being nice!’’ I answered back, trying to free myself from him.

“Don’t lie to me!’’ He yelled as his grip gets tighter and tighter with every word he said. “I saw you and him with my own two eyes!’’

“Please.’’ I begged as he gripped my hair even tighter. “It’s not what you think it is.’’

“You’re such a slut, you know that!’’ He hissed before pushing my head away, making it bump in the window of the car. I sniffled because of the pain shooting in my head but he stopped me. “Don’t cry. You’re irritating me.’’ Then, he faced me once more with the coldest and scariest expression he ever had. “We’re not yet done.’’

He started the engine and drove off, his knuckles white due to gripping the steering wheel to hard. I wiped the tears and smeared make up on my face, preparing for the worst.

The car ride was short, and I can almost see our flat as we pulled over. Harry immediately turned the engine off and got out of the car. I saw him walk to my car door and forcefully open it. Once my door was open, he quickly gripped my hair and dragged me inside, while I yelped in pain. I held the tears in because I know he would just hurt me more.

He pushed me on the floor while he stood in front of me, his shadow towering over me. I gulped and prepared myself for what is going to come. I thought he had improved but I always thought wrong.

“I gave you that job so you can work not flirt with your customer like a stripper!’’ He yelled in my face. His hands made its way to my neck, almost choking me.

“But I wasn’t flirting!’’ I answered back, earning a strong slap from him. He stood up and dragged my feet as I struggled, holding on to every furniture.

“Answering back won’t help you!’’ He snarled as he continued to drag me away. I feel so helpless and weak to fight back anymore. I let him drag me to the kitchen. He stopped and I managed to sit on side of the counter. I heard him banged his fist on the table, his back on me. He was shaking due to his anger. I let out muffled sobs as the pain around my body started to resurface again.

“WHY!’’ He yelled as he repeatedly punched the table. I covered my ears as my body shook in fear. “I gave you everything!’’ He then walked over to me, this time choking me. The energy was drained away from me as my breathing got heavier each second. He lets me go and his fist collided with my face, making me fall to the ground. I didn’t bother to stand up, or at least sit back. The pain was too much. He kicked me several times on my back and I swear I heard some of my bones on the spinal cord crack. I winced in pain as I heard his footsteps walking out of the kitchen.

“FUCK YOU.’’ He growled before walking out of the kitchen, leaving me there half alive and barely breathing. Tears fell from my eyes as I refuse to leave the position that I was in now.

I thought he would change…..

The flat was empty by the time I woke up. My whole body hurts, and trying to sit up was a big challenge but after a few minutes, I manage to hold a steady position. I gripped the edge of the counter so I can stand up. After a lot of failed attempts, I was finally on my feet.

I tried to listen for noises around the house and found none. Obviously he left the flat again. I decided I would call in sick today. I don’t want Lilly to see me in this condition. I don’t want to go to work too because every bone on my body hurts. I ascended the stairs and found my way to my room.

Just then, my stomach churned and I feel the need to throw up. I hurriedly went to the bathroom, forgetting all the pain in my body. I vomited everything on the toilet as my head started to spin. What the hell is happening to me? I realized that I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast yesterday so why do I need to suddenly vomit? Was I sick or something?

I pushed all of my thoughts away as I dragged my aching body to the bed. I can still feel the dizziness as I lay on my bed, pulling the blanket up. I hope sleeping will make everything better. I know I just woke up a while ago but I feel really sick today another sleep won't hurt.


Will Allison be alright? Did you guys expect that to happen?

Anyways, thank you for all the votes and comments. School has started for me so I am only able to update one story at the time. If you want me to update this guys, you need to recah the vote goal first.

50 Votes for the next and best comment gets the dedication! That's all and hope you like this chapter!

Pls. read my other stories. I'll update them tommorow. 

Love y'all and Mwah! 

Love Bela :)

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