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by Daniel Beazley

Erasmis IV was the largest prison ship in the Tranquan system. Crafted and cut into the lifeless moon of Korian, it had been dragged from its orbital path and suspended above the planet, held in place by gravity stabilisers. Corridors of cells ran across the moon's surface and shafts plunged deep into the core where the most dangerous inmates were imprisoned indefinitely. I had spent an age held in quarantine following my master's arrest for his anti-disestablishment protest against the state and their attempts to remove all traces of emotion from the democracy program.

Locked in cell 896 on level three of Erasmis IV, I never thought for one moment that I would ever see a solar flare again. Word had reached me that one day I would be taken down to the planet's bore holes and handed over to a life of servitude, filling vats with valuable sludge. To be honest, anything would have been better than sitting alone in a cell every day. You wouldn't think that the monotony of solitude would affect an automaton but I felt it nagging at the edges of my circuit boards, threatening to fuse my thought processors with its emptiness. It became so bad that when I met PHos for the first time, my emotive drives almost overloaded.

( Music 'The Reveal' composed by David Bruggemann, website http://www.epic-music-world.com/ )

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