Chapter Eighteen

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When I got that call from the precinct I could have died. I still can't believe it.

Carlene cried all the way home. I can't believe Johnathan would put my precious daughter through something like that. There was a reason I don't let Carlene be around her mom and this ordeal was exactly it.

I called my lawyer and asked him to look into what the hell went down.

I can't believe he'd betray me like that. After I expressly told him I didn't want Carlene to have any contact with Arlene.

I sighed as I pulled in front of our house. I unbuckled Carlene's seat belt and carried her inside. Her bawling died down to little whimpers but the tears were still falling.

"Why didn't Johnny come home with us?" she asked wiping at her eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, he has to remain and answer some questions." I didn't have the heart to tell her we won't be seeing Johnathan again.

"K, but when he done he'll come?" her tears seemed to disappear with the thought of Johnathan coming over.

"I don't know baby we'll see." I murmured hugging her.

I got her something to eat, a warm bath and tucked her in bed. I stayed the night with her.

I didn't sleep though. I kept replaying his expression when I went off on him. Johnathan. God! How could he? I cried silently for the relationship we could have had. I love him, I do. But I can't be with him if he can endanger my daughter like that.

"Morning daddy." my baby whispered, yawning and stretching.

"Morning punkin" I kissed her cheek.

"Will Johnny come today?" my poor baby.

"I don't know, maybe?" I wanted to cry some more.

"Think you can tell me what happened yesterday. Why did Johnathan take you to see your mom?" I asked quietly. Carlene scrunched up her nose.

"Johnny didn't take me to see mom. He took me to the store so we could make pasta for you daddy." my baby says making me even more confused.

"What do you mean baby?" I asked propping up myself.

"Well Johnny said we could make pasta for you when you get home. So we went to the store and Johnny pushed me on the cart. He said I was sooo heavy that his arms were tired." gosh. She's giving me the blow by blow version. I smiled, kids.

"And then we got meat and cookies and then I saw mom. I got scared because she looked mad when she saw Johnny. Johnny didn't see her so I was going to tell him. But before I could mom came and started using bad words reallly loud." her voice sounds tear filled. "Then she tried to take me from Johnny. But Johnny told her that he would call the po po for her. She started screaming more and used some more bad words when the policeman came. He took us to the um.. Pre... Pre... The police house! And then you came!" she means precinct. She nodded at the end. Her brows furrowed the she nodded again and smiled.

Oh god! What have I done? I can feel my heart squeeze in my chest as realization kicks in.

"I didn't know this would have happened."

All I thought was that my child was in danger.

"I'm sorry Carter. It's all a big mistake."

"I - I never thought this would happen Carter."

"It was a mistake-"

He looked so sorry. So scared. Out of his dept. Like when he found out about my job.

"The only mistake I made was trusting you with my baby. You are not her father. You don't know what's best for her."

I hit him. I slapped him across his face.

Oh god! I thought he took Carlene to see her mom. Dread fills me. My mouth went dry. My hands shook.

"Daddy? You look sick. Are you okay?" Carlene asks looking concerned.

"Yea.. Yea daddy's fine." I smiled for her hoping it didn't look like I was on the verge of tears.

"Will Johnny come over?"she asks hopefully.

"I'll call him baby. How about some breakfast and you can spend the day with grandpa and grandma. No school today." she shrieked and threw herself at me.

Going into the kitchen I tried Johnathan's cell and his house. No answer. I kept redialing, each time it went to his voice-mail. Oh god.

I called Lisa but all I got was, "Fuck you dickbag!" and she hung up every time.

I quickly explained what happened to my parents before burning tires to Johnathan's house. He wasn't there. I went in but I got no clue as to where he could have gone.

The diner!

"What are you doing here? Get out! You are banned for life ass hat!" Lisa was coming at me with a rolling pin. She looked absolutely terrifying.

"Lisa! Please, I need to find him. I'm sorry! I didn't know what happened. I need to apologize to him." I quickly got out before she did brain surgery on me.

"What? You need to do more than apologize asshole! You hit him. I stupidly thought you were different. I practically shoved you on him. I gave you a chance but you did this. You put your hands on him!" she shouts brandishing the rolling pin.

"I know! I'm sorry. I just... I was scared. I thought he took Carlene to see her mom. I've been trying to get him but he's not picking up his phones. He's not at his house either." I said tiredly dropping to a chair.

"Well I don't know where he could be. He only called me last night and told me what happened. Then he said he's taking the week off and that he'd contact me." she says aggressively looking at me as if finding a good spot to hit me in the head. Right now I think I might let her. Maybe it'll knock the stupid out of me.

I left with no clue as to where he could have gone. Two days and still I didn't hear anything from him. Shit.

I searched through my contacts and dialed the number I needed.

"Hello Mr. Smith. I need you to find someone for me. Just their location." I said into the phone. Time for the big guns.

I waited. Then waited some more.

The day came and went. But still nothing.

When that man finally called me I thought I could breathe a breath of fresh air. But he got nothing.

How in the hell can someone just disappear?

How in the hell can someone just disappear?

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Sorry I almost forgot to update!

hope this clears a few questions.

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