Chapter 3

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Ally knew that something was going on between her brother and his wife, Jade.

Cody and Jade Davidson had been arguing like there was no tomorrow, and they had only recently made up.

But, only weeks after their arguments, they were all lovey dovey again and Ally really wanted to know what was going on.

She knew that Cody would have said that nothing was going on and that was because Ally knew her big brother. He didn't tell her the real reason why he and Jade had argued so badly a few weeks ago, and Ally didn't have a clue what was going on.

But she knew one thing for sure.

Cody and Jade had well and truly made up and they were completely in love again.

Ally knew another thing as well.

Jade's fashion sense had changed since the arguing. She had now been wearing more flowy tops and baggy jumpers when usually, she would have worn more fitted clothes that flattered her figure.

It was strange to see her in the clothes she was wearing now, and Ally couldn't figure out why her fashion sense had changed to drastically.

Ally put that out of her mind, though, as she got out of bed to make herself some breakfast. Mondays were never a good day for her, and she always hated having to go to school.

Ally said good morning to her two cats; a tricolour named Stella, and a ginger at named Tiger. Ally adored her cats, as did Jade, but Cody hated them. He said they were pricks and he just hated them in general. So he hated Stella and Tiger and he didn't like them being around all the time.

"Come on, buddy," Ally heard her brother say when she sat at the table for her breakfast. She then stood up with her toast and made her way to the small hallway that led to her room, and also Cody and Jade's room. She then smiled when she saw Mason trying to crawl again, and he was getting a little better. But he still cried with frustration and it was quite cute.

"Don't you think it is mean to let him get so frustrated?" asked Ally when she stood next to her brother.

"Maybe," replied Cody, "but it is the only way for him to learn, and if I pick him up, he will just give up."

"But look at his face; he's crying," said Ally as she put her toast in her mouth and when to pick up Mason.

Cody then stuck his finger down the back of Ally's pyjama shirt, just below her neck, and pulled her back, "not so fast, bubba," he said, "let him learn."

"You are such a mean dad."

"Don't I know it."

Ally then slumped back down on the table while Cody kept encouraging Mason to crawl. Ally watched as he picked himself up again and tried with determination to crawl over to his father who had now crouched down, asking him to come. Mason crawled a couple of steps before he commando crawled the rest of the day to Cody. He then stuck his head between his hands once more, announcing to Cody in body language that he couldn't do it.

"Good boy, mate," said Cody as he picked his son up and place him in the highchair. He then opened some baby food and handed it to Ally so she could have fed Mason.

Ally took the baby food, seeing as she had finished her own breakfast, and she started to feed Mason. So, she opened the baby food and stuck the spoon in, getting a spoonful of mashed up apple.

"Ewww!" she exclaimed.

"What?" asked Cody.

"Is it supposed to look like poo?"

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