Chapter 2 : Who is Rahul?

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A/N : Hey guys :D i am giving out a quicker update because i love the way you keep supporting my works :D thank you :D so here is the second chapter :D happy reading :D

Anaya's POV:

It had been only a week but I was already very well settled in the new city all thanks to my neighbour. Rohit made me feel at home. And it was even better that we worked at the same place. Things were going amazingly well. But I missed Rahul. I had to leave the town only after three months of being together. I was scared that Rahul would break things off with me. It might have been only three months but I liked him so much. I didn't know if I was in love. I was confused about that and also I didn't want to chase him away nor make things tough. I liked the way things were.

I was sitting on the couch with the morning paper on my lap and a hot mug of coffee and my thoughts were wandering to the first time I spoke to him. He was actually my friend's cousin and they were barely in touch. They had been getting along on facebook and one day when my friend was at my place, she was talking to him as usual. I was brought into topic and I didn't know why but I was told by my friend that he showed interest in me. Things started from there and yeah, we got together.

I was brought out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed signalling a text from Rahul. I smiled and opened whatsapp. I noticed that his profile picture had changed. The current picture had him standing with his hands wrapped around the shoulders of a girl and his status said "happy birthday baby" and I had to roll my eyes at that. I was not that type of girl who stays to be dramatic and picks up a fight when situations like that turned up but I didn't like what he was doing. Then I read his message, "I miss you" it said and my face broke out into a smile. "I can see that" I replied and hit the back button. I scrolled through the contacts when I spotted a picture of me with someone. I stopped to see Rohit had changed his picture. It was a picture of us which we had clicked at the steam room the previous day and his status read, "Amazing coffee, amazing company" and my smile grew brighter.

Rohit was such a sweet guy. In the beginning it was quite awkward for me but then I found it easy to talk to him. He was extremely caring and he made sure that he accompanied me every morning to the cafe. It had become a daily routine for us to walk in the morning to the cafe, have breakfast and go to work. We also spent a couple of evenings together and he was such a great guy. I loved spending time with him. But whenever I spoke about Rahul, his face would change and his smile would be strained and I wondered why. I wanted to ask him about that but never really had the chance.

My thoughts were once again interrupted when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw Rohit grinning at me. "What?" I asked him with a smile. "Come with me, I have a surprise for you" he said putting his hand out for me to hold. I smiled and placed my hand on his. He grinned and dragged me up to the terrace. As we reached the terrace door, he stood behind me and placed both his hands on my eyes and covered them. "Walk ahead" he whispered in my ears from behind me and I didn't know why but it made be shiver. I did as I was told and he stopped me after moving a small distance.

"Open your eyes" he whispered and moved his hands away from my eyes. I let out a gasp and closed my mouth with my hands. The sun was setting down and the sky had a glorious orange shade with a deep red horizon and below that the city's skyline was trying to compete its best with the brightness of the sun and the horizon. I turned around to look at him only to find him carrying two plates of food and a bottle of my favourite drink. It had been only a week and he knows so much already. I wonder if Rahul knows this I though and my eyes widened. I was comparing my boyfriend with Rohit and was not a good thing to do. I shook my head and focussed on the guy who stood in front of me. I smiled at him and took the plate from him. "thank you so much roh. I love this" I said genuinely and gave him a smile. He chuckled and shook his head.

We sat on the floor and ate the food and I was telling him about my various experiences with sunsets when my phone rang. It was Rahul. "Hey baby. How have you been?" he asked. "Hey Rahul I am fine. How are you?" I asked him. "I am barely surviving without you" he said and I rolled my eyes at that. One thing about Rahul was that he took me to be the girl who would be totally flattered by cheese spread sentences like this but in reality I only wanted to roll my eyes till it drops out of the socket. "So what's up?" I asked him. "Nothing you sound abnormally hyper. What is going on?" he asked. "I am so happy right now. Rohit here surprised me with a terrace food and took me here in time for the sunset. I am loving all this" I said and I caught Rohit giving me a chuckle.

"Rohit who?" asked Rahul and I snorted. How unladylike! "I told you about him Rahul. He is my neighbour and we work together" I said. "Oh yeah right whatever" he said and I frowned. This guy had no respect for any friend of mine. "Fine tell me why you called" I said and he sighed. "I don't even have the liberty to call you whenever I want?" he asked and I sighed. "Rahul you know I didn't mean it that way but listen I have to go now, I'll call you later. Bye" I said and I hung up before he could say anything.

"You okay?" asked Rohit. "I am fine" I said and smiled at him. He nodded his head and smiled back. We sat there talking for a long time and I got to know a lot more about him. It was late in the night when we finally decided to go back down and I closed my door and stumbled across my bed without even giving a thought of calling Rahul. Deep inside I wanted to call him and talk to him but I didn't like the way he had his hands around the girl on the picture or the way he failed to acknowledge my friends. Let him call me tomorrow was the last thought I had before drifting off to sleep.

A/N : Sooo how did you guys like this chapter? did you all like it? what do you think about rahul? who do you favour? rahul? rohit? let me know guys and please comment your views so that i can develop the story in the way you guys would love :D thank you :D until next time :D

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