Nate Maloley (Cute Imagine)

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Your Pov:

You are walking on the beach in the sand and Nate is holding your hand walking with you. You stop suddenly because you weren't feeling good, you ran over to the bushes and puked in them. Nate came up behind you and rubbed your back with one hand while holding your hair out of your face with another.

You never told Nate you were pregnant because his job was doing really well, and he was making new music, and traveling and on top of that he was happy.

After you stopped puking Nate asked "Baby girl what's wrong?" You then said "Nate I have to tell you something, and its really important but I want you to promise me something babe." "What?" He said with a worried look on his face "Babe I'm pregnant" you said.

His face lit up with Joy. He hugged me really tightly smiling so much."So your not mad?" You said. He let me go and said "Baby I could never be mad at you! I am so happy I have a chance to be a father, especially with a girl that I love with my entire heart. Baby You are my everything. I love You" You then blushed and hugged him saying "Nate Maloley I love you too, you mean the world to me and I never want to lose you."

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